I May Be Getting A Betta


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Hi guys,

I'm sooo excited :) My parents are considering about me getting a betta. I will probably have a few questions so bear with me. Anyway, my first question is " where can i get my betta?" Also, " what kind of aquariam/bowl should I keep him/ her in?" That's all I can think of.


How exciting! Bettas are fantastic fishies :wub:

If at all possible, see if you can get about a 2 gallon plus bowl/tank/aquarium. In the pet shops they're usually in little cups of water, but they're so much happier if they can swim around. I don't think my boys really care about the shape of their bowls, but remember to get something with a lid, because some of them like to jump! Other than that, regular water changes and possibly a heater depending on the weather and they're content!

I'm not sure where abouts you live, but Veiltail boys are usually available in most pet shops. They're the ones with the long flowing tail. Girls are harder to come across, because the boys are so pretty with their long tails and fins. Have fun choosing your new fishie! :lol:
LOL lisie, that's hilarious! I can't wait to go to pick my betta! I love the LONG flowing tails! But one question, what do you mean about 2 gallon plus the bowl/tank/aquarium??? That's all for now thanks!

:wub: bre
I believe ElectricMayhem meant that bettas are happiest in at least two gallons of water in a bowl, tank, or aquarium. :flowers:
ooh, thanks lisie! So, are you allowed to keep bettas ina bowl?
Ok, I have a question, what size would be best?

I'm proly getting annoying by now, so i guess I'll come back latter!
Not annoying at all. :) Well, the bigger the better, really. I have my bettas in 2.5-3ish gallons each, and they're all happy. But if you want to go for like 5 gallons, that's even better. If you want to stick with a bowl, you probably won't find one bigger than 2-3 gallons, but that would be fine. :)
Are you sure? I have been asking way too many questions! But anyway, where can i shop for bettas online? I've heard of a few good sites that sell bettas
Bettas are gonna be really expensive online because you'll have to pay for overnight shipping, unless there's a breeder within driving distance of you. Where are you located?
Well, there's a few breeders from the US on here that might have a betta available... ask around. :) Peronally, if I was going to buy a betta online I'd buy one from LuvMyBetta.com... her bettas are gooorgeous, but like I said, they're show quality and so pretty expensive.

And there's always Aquabid.
This is my fav one so far!

beautiful huh?!

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