I made a Horrible Truly Horrible Mistake


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Ok So this Evening While little Brother has been Hogging the PC installing Oracle (6GB).

I decided the Give The Fish a Live food Treat, and went outside and scooped some Daphnia out of the RainButt.

So after feeding these to them.

I washed out the net in the Sink.

Now Mum had 1 of my buckets full of water in the Sink.

So I dunked it in that, Not thinking it could have had anything in it.

Go back inside Scoop out My HalfGiant :byebye: :byebye: , And put him in a bowl while I clean his out.

When I go back to him. He is Dead. :( :( :( :(

I turns Out that the Bucket had Bleach in it, and I scooped Out the Half Giant using that net and killed Him.

I feel So Damn Sad, AS I have Never Seen a Half Giant Anywhere Since I got Him.

Goodbye Halfgiant, You Will be Missed.
I'm sorry for your loss. A good rule to follow is only use designated fish containers (I like cheap-o tupperware) to clean/rinse fish items.
That sucks horribly! I'm sorry for your loss, but it happens to the best of us. I don't think you should take it so hard, but rather learn from it and move on.

Again, sorry for your loss -_-
Thanks Guys.

I feel Really Stupid Now, Just a seconds Misjudgement and he is Gone.

I do not Know how Long it will be B4 I can get hold of Another HalfGiant.

Unless I can Get My LFS to include 1 in Next Weeks Order.
psgill00 said:
Thanks Guys.

I feel Really Stupid Now, Just a seconds Misjudgement and he is Gone.

I do not Know how Long it will be B4 I can get hold of Another HalfGiant.

Unless I can Get My LFS to include 1 in Next Weeks Order.
I wish you much luck on your quest. :thumbs:
Ugh, I'm sorry that happened to you :/ Ate our house we have different buckets that are clearing marked "FISH ONLY" and "NO FISH" I think it helps because you know which are fish safe, and which are not.

Don't be hard on yourself, we all make mistakes -_-
well , I have been in the same boat 3 times. I once bought some of my prized pygmy cories and floated the bag. I didnt realize it and noticed that one had gotten into the fold or crease of the bag and was out of the water for 30 minutes while the bag floated. That crushed me. I suffocatted my fish.

I also was once cleaning the bottom with a gravel cleaner and I squished it as he swam under the edge while siphoning the gravel.

I also killed a neon doing the same thing. it is hard knowing one did it themselves.
rollntider said:
I also was once cleaning the bottom with a gravel cleaner and I squished it as he swam under the edge while siphoning the gravel.

I also killed a neon doing the same thing. it is hard knowing one did it themselves.
I think that's what happened to my doodles (he was a cory, an extremely pretty one too!). All the others look fine and then the next day he's got half his muzzle (whatever it's called) all white or missing and then he turns up dead a week later... :-(
sorry man, it's happend to everyone, i killed most of my batch of guppy fry by accident, and all i wanted to do is clean the tank, i lost kil 3 down the drain because they were hideing in the rocks, and then after it was all clean and stuff i forgot to put in the chems. to make the new water safe and kiled a bunch more, i felt like crap 2, i went from 40 fish down to 7 (which i still have).

gl on ur quest for a half giant, u can try aquabid, im sure iv seen a couple on there :D :thumbs:
Blame it on your brother for not letting you on the computer, or it wouldn't have happened...

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