I"M Waiting


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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las vegas nv
Are all dalmation molly fry cream??? ppl told me in abot a mounth they would show true colors. well its been a month and 8 days ( not that i'm counting :lol: ) So is their no hope for these plain fry???? well i appriciate anyone who can give me hope!!!!! :)
i dunno none of my guppies r even sexable and they r nearing 7 weeks!!!!!! i've never had molly fry so i don't know. my platy fry already had black patches and it's only like 2 weeks old. hopefully they will get their true colours soon. it's really annoying to wait tho eh?
My molly fry are 2 days old, and if you look close enough, you can see their coloration to a point. I've got a couple silver ones, a couple spotted ones, and it looks like one black one (tho he just might be really spotted)

- Mike
its possible that youre female mated with a silver male
and this wiped out the spots.
but look closely thier should be some dalmations too
my dalmation are 3 weeks and i can see the spots
My dalmation fry didn't get spots until they were about three months old! My female dalmation was supposed to be silver (and was totally white when we got her), she was purchased as an adult and began spotting up within a month! Who knows, it seems to be different for individual fish.
They can still get spots. Some fry just develop slower or sometimes faster than other fry. Good luck with them! :D

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