
i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
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Funk Town
a friend of the family and i always trade fish supplies/ stock
i rescently gave her a comet (for her pond) and my used 10 gallon since my dog cracked the glass and she patched it up and kept it
in return she is going to give me some water lily runners and as many kribensis as i want! :hyper:

but since i already have 17.5" in my 20 gallon, i decided to only get a pair
i have researched as much as i could and found that i do not want them to breed as they don't have enough territory to raise a family and will terrorize the other tankmates
i don't know if there is any way to prevent them from breeding other then just keeping one sex

i think i will get 2 females
but with as much research as i put into it i am still lacking in actual Krib keeping experience

any advise on how to keep em' happy food/ territory wise?
i have flakes, brine shrimp, blood worms, algae waffers, tubiflex worms and a veriety of veggi's
is it best to keep a pair of females?
i need something peaceful that can still hold their own,
they will be going into a 20 gallon with medium sized fish (averaging 3" a fish) with semi- aggressive potential
i call it that when they are peaceful with the VERY odd little spat that only lasts a few seconds

to see how the tank is set up, click on my sig pic and look at the darker, purple rock tank (it no longer has the breeding net)
to read its other occupants, check out "my aquariums" in my profle
I personally would advise getting 2 females based on my experienced. I definatley wouldn't put a male and a female in that size tank with that many fish but I would put a single male in. I personally think that 2 males would be too much cichlid in such a small space.

I have a male in my 160l tank and he gets on brilliantly with all the other tankmates. However, I also have a female and she is too much of a bully to be in with other fish. She currently resides in a 40l by herself.

HTH good luck with the Kirb(s), they are wonderful fish.
I think I agree with C/S. I'm not certain 2 females would work, but having each other to bicker with might take the heat off the others in the tank (sorry, I'm not even sure how to go to your profiles -- you might want to just put it in the post).
One male would probaly be great, as C/S said, but 2 would be too much. Two females might be too much as well, depending on their temperaments. My female is a bully, but she's usually either getting ready to raise a family or raising one.
A male and a female in that tank with any other fish would be an incredibly bad idea, glad you're not considering it.

Foodwise, I have good luck with a dry food called "cichlid crumble" They really go for that. Floating food is not so good, since they don't like coming up to the top very much. I feed frozen baby brine shrimp to my female because the babies are in there, and she goes crazy for that, so I'm guessing adult brine shrimp would also be a hit. I've fed her dried blood worms, and that is another favorite. Never tried any tubifex. Tried zuchini, and they picked at it but didn't make much of a dent -- maybe it needs to be blanched first? Think I saw that somewhere. My kribs don't touch algae wafers, but they will eat the sinking wafers made for bottom dwellers (not algae).

Kribs can hold their own alright, no worries there. One may try to dominate the other, so hopefully they'll be well-matched. Be sure they both have a cave or a secluded area or something to call their own. My female is very partial to caves.

Hth. Have fun with them, they are pretty amazing little fish. :D
20 Gallon Semi-Aggressive:
1 Blue Gourami (Big Blue)
1 Golden Gourami (Bling-Bling)
1 Neon Dwarf Gourami (Poe)
1 Flying Fox (Foxy - very original)
1 upside down catfish (Martha Stewart)
2 khuli loaches (Sneaky-Snake, Wiggles)

that is the tank i put them in
plz read my other post for an update, as i have brought them home :nod:
I have two female kribs in my 55 gallon, they are PERFECT!!!!
I would definitely recommend getting females rather than males or a pair. First, a pair of kribs would breed alot, and in a community tank, that means the pair is in one half of the tank, and the rest of the occupants are cowering in a corner, or else getting beaten up. :/ Plus I aggree, cheese specialist, 2 males is just too much cichlid.
Well, good luck!!!

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