I love my new budgie!!


Feb 24, 2004
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Kent, UK
I am having a hard time determining the sex of my new budgie. Its less than three months as it hasnt got the white rings around its eyes, so its hard to determine the sex. I did want a hen initially but it doesnt matter if its a boy or a girl. Ill try to get some pictures to show you all later, but the cere is pinkish-white with a slight blue tinge. I consulted my budgie book and it was very confusing as it describes a female with a cere like mine, i.e. blue/white/pinkish and then has a picture of a boy and a girl showing the budgie with a cere like Sprite's to be a boy!!

Yeah thats the name I went for. Spritely, cos he/she is very spritely!!

she (sex by default!) is a very quick learner, although she hasnt properly sat on my finger yet, she will sit on the perch when I present it to her - presumably because she knows it wont hurt her!

she hasnt been out of her cage yet ut I am considering it as she has just demonstarted she can sit on a perch in her cage when Im holding it.

Ill post pictures later.
congrats on the new budgie.Lets see a photo! ;)
How hard does it bite? If it really hurts when it bites then its a female!! Another way of telling the sex of a budgie is behaviour females will be quiet but i find generally more intelligent while males will chatter a lot. the colour of the cere will tell you the sex when its older blue for a boy, pink/brown for a girl. but when they are young the cere can be very misleading.
Some training tips: to get the budgie to step onto your finger push your finger against its legs till they have no choice but to go on your finger and say step up. that way they learn the command. Also get it used to you holding it as it makes trips to the vets easier and it will be easier for you to check it! Budgies learn by repeatition.
If you need any more help just ask !!
I have four budgies myself and have kept budgies for years!
well it looked like it was going to bite me when I let it out for exercise earlier but it didnt take that step!! it seems to be a little less chatty than the male we already have but they are being kept away from each other from the time being so they cant talk to each other yet!!

I let it out in the bathroom earlier to give it some exercise and I find out that it will step right onto a perch but wont step directly onto my finger. I got it to stand on my finger by transferring it from perch to my finger. I encouraged it to step up on teh perch by pushing it against its chest - i found that one out from a book. I was talking to it and even singing to it (poor, poor budgie!)

It kept trying to hide behind the toilet (the bathroom is the only easy-to clean room at the moment!! )

But i thinks its doing remarkably well since I only got it on Sunday!!

Why do budgies sqwuak? It keeps shouting really loud and I was just wondering why? I have left the telly on while Im out of the room because I heard budgies like noise. It keeps telling me off!! I got some pictures.

Very curious bird.


Not sure about grapes!


You can see the cere here. any ideas about Spritely's gender are very welcome.

Not sure about its name either. I might change it yet.
Looks like its really young !! so hard to guess the sex but i think it might be female (call it a hunch) Very pretty though just reminded me i got to take photos of my new budgie louey! a budgie breeder sexed him for me! good luck with the training. And its squaking cause it can!! Mine do it every morning at 7 am because they know i should be up by then and they squak when i get home for some attention and food!! :lol:
yeah, I have a hunch its a female too... it seems very feminine in it's mannerisms - in as much that it has manners!! :p

lol JK.

She was out in my room earlier and the phone rang - whoops!! had to lave her for a few minutes but i didnt like too - id rather keep an eye on her!

woulkd it be safe to let her out in the future with my sister's male budgie? he's about 8 or 9 months old and hasnt had any contact with budgies for 6 months the thing is, would she get pciked on as she cant fly very far, and would it hinder her training? I hope to train her some simple tricks in time, and maybe even to talk but thats not important to me.

also, how do I go about teaching her tricks like lifting her wings and feet, etc?
baby budgies ceres are different than that of adults but you still can tell
a mostly white cere on a baby budgie indicates that it is in fact a female
unfortunatley this means they may be shorter tempered by nature and may not talk
but they can still be very pleasant if raised well :thumbs:
god luck :flowers:
she's a cutie :wub:

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