I haven't seen enthusiasm like that for a long time. It almost made my heart beat, now that would be somethingNew to this but loving it & trying my very best! Managed to create a phenomenal community (in my opinion) & super excited to see what advice & guidance you experts can throw my way!! xx
I will give you points for persistence and unwillingness to give up on the advertising for the contests. Any excuse to do itWelcome to Tropical Fish Forums. Lots of knowledgeable , helpful member here to answer any questions you may have. If you want to get ideas for your tank(s), you should check out the tanks in our Tank of the Year contest. The tanks in the contest are the best of the best during 2021. And while on the polling thread, be sure to cast your vote for the tank you like best!
Vote Now! 🏆2021 Tank of the Year Tournament 🏆
POLL IS NOW CLOSED 2021 Tank of the Year :big_boss: VOTE NOW We're winding up another great year on Tropical Fish Forums. The holidays are coming and we at TFF are going to celebrate in style. Fishforums.net is proud to announce our 2021 TANK OF THE YEAR poll. We had 12 top notch winners over...www.fishforums.net
Hahaha you're so good at encouraging people to readHi and welcome to the forum
I haven't seen enthusiasm like that for a long time. It almost made my heart beat, now that would be something
Good to hear you are enjoying the hobby.
The following is about what you should do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth a read sometime. I usually recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep. But you might be able to stay awake with all that enthusiasm
What to do if your fish gets sick
If your fish ever looks sick or unwell, then the following steps might help. Test the Water and Clean the Tank. Test the water quality for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH and write the results down in numbers. Check it for general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH) too if you can, but...www.fishforums.net
What to do if your fish has Stringy White Poop.
Fish do a stringy white poop for several reasons. 1) Internal Bacterial Infections causes the fish to stop eating, swell up like a balloon, breath heavily at the surface or near a filter outlet, do stringy white poop, and die within 24-48 hours of showing these symptoms. This cannot normally be...www.fishforums.net