I love my fish & willing to learn everything I can 😃!!

Welcome! Would love to hear more about your community & see pics! :banana:
Welcome! This is a great place to learn!
Welcome, remember enjoy your tank. We are all here to help you on your journey if we can. :hi:
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

New to this but loving it & trying my very best! Managed to create a phenomenal community (in my opinion) & super excited to see what advice & guidance you experts can throw my way 😃😊!! xx
I haven't seen enthusiasm like that for a long time. It almost made my heart beat, now that would be something :)

Good to hear you are enjoying the hobby.

The following is about what you should do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth a read sometime. I usually recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep. But you might be able to stay awake with all that enthusiasm :)

Don't read that yet, your fish are not going to get sick. Healthy happy fish is what we want.
Welcome to Tropical Fish Forums. Lots of knowledgeable , helpful member here to answer any questions you may have. If you want to get ideas for your tank(s), you should check out the tanks in our Tank of the Year contest. The tanks in the contest are the best of the best during 2021. And while on the polling thread, be sure to cast your vote for the tank you like best!
Welcome to Tropical Fish Forums. Lots of knowledgeable , helpful member here to answer any questions you may have. If you want to get ideas for your tank(s), you should check out the tanks in our Tank of the Year contest. The tanks in the contest are the best of the best during 2021. And while on the polling thread, be sure to cast your vote for the tank you like best!
I will give you points for persistence and unwillingness to give up on the advertising for the contests. Any excuse to do it :)
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

I haven't seen enthusiasm like that for a long time. It almost made my heart beat, now that would be something :)

Good to hear you are enjoying the hobby.

The following is about what you should do if your fish get sick. It's long and boring but worth a read sometime. I usually recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep. But you might be able to stay awake with all that enthusiasm :)

Hahaha you're so good at encouraging people to read 😆
Your fish can give you a great holiday gift. Once you start learning about them, worlds open up. They really are a window into nature if you are a curious person who likes to know how things work. A little livebearer can take you to learning about the natural history of Mexico, genetics, how they survive predators, fish breeding, or anything else wondering about them makes you.... wonder about.
Learning how to manage aquariums comes kind of easily.
But the fish, the plants, the water, the decor... there is no shortage of stuff to explore if you are an inquisitive person.

They can even drive you to vote for tank of the year in that contest talked about up above.
Welcome to TFF... :)
It's highly appreciated if you'd be able to post some pictures of your community tank... 👍

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