I love killies!


New Member
Mar 17, 2025
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I've successfully raised three batches of nothing rachovii. One of my hatches was 52 out of 60 eggs! From that batch I ended up with 15 killies that made it to adulthood.
I just love their personalities. I conditioned them to eat from a dropper or tweezers. I called them my ' beasties'
One of mine jumped out and dried up; therefore I can conclude that killies make me sad.
It's not killies that make you sad. It's leaving the top of the tank open that does it.

The Nothobranchius that @Ronilucas1 keeps aren't prone to jumping.

Are you raising 3 batches from an original pair, or are you into a third generation with them?
Welcome to you and your Nothos. Is that your first killie species? If so, you dived into the deep end of the pool by starting with an annual Good for you.
At the end of March we'll have this international killifish convention. I'll be attending overthere as well. That's gonna be an interesting weekend again.
What a stunning species
What a stunning species
View attachment 363660

Yes, as are most of the species in the genus, one more dazzling than the next.

As a fella named Innes wrote nearly a century ago, "The intense brilliance of the male is hard to match. The intensity is so overpowering that words fail to paint the picture."
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