I Lost My Terrior


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2005
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i have recently lost my terrior cross, we miss him very much and so does my labradour and i need to know if she would need a friend, she has never been this lonely in the whole of her life, she has always had a friend beside her, before we lost our dog :-( the labradour would never sleep on u she would just want a stroke but now if u sit down beside her she would lie on u and be asleep within seconds she is very lost with out the terrior, but should we get another dog ???? or should we just keep her company????

thanks for your help.
If you want another dog in your life, do, otherwise don't. Your lab is lonely now and would probably like a buddy, but she will eventually adjust either way
my mum does want another dog but my lab has been lonely for about 4-5 weeks now and she has not been her self since i lost the terrior, how would it tke her to "get over" the terrior

thanks jack
If you have the time and the family want another Dog i would say go for it.A new dog would help take your labs mind off the loss of your terrier x.My sister lost one of her dogs and the otherone developed serious seperation Problems and couldnt be left.This went on for 6 months and now my sister has another dog her older one is back to normal

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