I Lost My Betta Last Night


Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
I was cleaning out my filter last night whilst doing a water change, my betta was probably one of my favourite fishes that I keep in my tank, whilst rinsing my filter in the water, I did not notice my betta go into the vent tube on the filter, I put my filter back in place and switched it on, my poor fish came flying out with such force of the vent and straight into an large ornament I have in for decoration, it was killed outright, gosh I felt so giulty, know people think oh it is just a fish, but it was a little character, floating around the tank minding its own business, I felt quite sad :( :(

I now need to get another as he added a lot to the tank, and I miss seeing him floating about.

Gosh I sound like a right one don't I.

Boo Hoo

I'm so sorry to hear about your betta! I don't know what I would do if I lost my betta. He is my only pet. I love him sooo much. He is my little buddy. It does not sound dilly at all!

I would be inconsolable if my fishy died. My fiance has already said he is not looking forward to that day, whenever it comes.


Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that that happened :(
Don't ever feel silly for mourning your betta or any of your fish. They're pets too. Just b/c we can't pet them or hear them bark or meow doesn't mean that we can't get attached to them, ya know?

RIP little betta.. RIP.
Sorry to hear that :( i was the same when my Syd died:(

Any idea as to what tail type your going for next?
So sorry about your guy. We all get very attached to our bettas, so we know how you feel.
:rip: little guy

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