i lonely guppy


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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even though took my guppy tank down last year, i ended up with a few guppy fry. when i thought they were large enough, i put them in a 20 gallon tank with my fantail goldfish.
unfortunately they weren't big enough because the goldfish ate 2 of them. feeling guilty i put the remaining one female guppy in a goldfish bowl- temporarily.
this might sound weird but does that guppy need another female for companionship?
she's not eating much and hides in a plastic flower.
so if anyone is a fish psychologist,😉 please advise. thank you.
A guppy can be kept solo. But yes, it would nice to give her a tankmate. But that she's hiding can also mean that she needs to get adjusted to this new environment. Give it some time and see if she starts swimming freely and if she'll eat.
i would keep at least 2 guppies together. i've had a pair of surprisingly hardy guppies for the first year of my fish keeping hobby. the fish would get really lethargic after one was gone, and she kept on attacking new arrivals for some reason
A guppy can be kept solo. But yes, it would nice to give her a tankmate. But that she's hiding can also mean that she needs to get adjusted to this new environment. Give it some time and see if she starts swimming freely and if she'll eat.
thanks for the advice. :)i guess all creatures like company. except my female lovebird. i should have named her Jaws. found the hard way they are territorial. she loves to bite! and from what i read it's too late to get her a lovebird cage mate. have to love her as she is. ;)
i would keep at least 2 guppies together. i've had a pair of surprisingly hardy guppies for the first year of my fish keeping hobby. the fish would get really lethargic after one was gone, and she kept on attacking new arrivals for some reason
thanks- i'll see how it goes with her. i couldn't let her stay with the goldfish. kinda stressful to see your buddy get eaten. 😬
thanks for the advice. :)i guess all creatures like company. except my female lovebird. i should have named her Jaws. found the hard way they are territorial. she loves to bite! and from what i read it's too late to get her a lovebird cage mate. have to love her as she is. ;)
Same here. Our parrot doesn't like other birds. She likes people but no birds...

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