I little help here


New Member
Mar 31, 2004
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Hello all....

So heres the deal

I have had an Aquarian before

Just a small one with a school of tigar barbs, some neon and guppes and stuff....

But i would like to get in to the Sea water fish and corals / enemames (Spelling)

Just would like some advice on starting up.....if you think i am mad just tell me.....else i would like some ideas of what types of tanks would be good to start with...the space i will need.....types of fish which are good of beginners..ect ect...

Just general newbie information...


"Fish are Friends NOT FOOD"
I've moved the thread for you, you should get better responses for marine queries in this forum!
I would start with a 30-gallon smallest or any thing bigger. 20 gallons or less are called nano tanks. I have two nano tank a 20-gallon and a 3 1/2 gallon tiny I know.
1.) First you need to clean out your tank, you can clean it with fresh water.
2.) When you mix your water your going to need something called prime or any thing like it... this get rid of the chlorine, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and other thing in your water that are going to kill your fish or corals.
3.) Then I would mix in your salt. Depending on what kind of tank you going to have fish only or fish and reef will determine how high you want your salinity. Your going to need something that measures the amount of salt in the water... if you ask so one at a pet store that sales salt water fish they will know what your talking about.
4.) Once you have done that I like to put this stuff called cycle it is live bacteria that’s is good for your tank and helps you cycle it twice as fast and also helps set up your biological filter.
After you let the water sit for about 20 to 30 min. I would test the salinity again and see if you have enough salt. Know if you have a reef tank you salinity is going to be higher around 1.025 or 1.026 if you have a fish only tank you will want it a lot lower some where around ((mine fish only tank is around 1.019 and 1.023)) some people might say that’s high but it help.
5.) Then I would get some live rock and live sand this will also help you cycle your tank faster and will have a lot of beneficial bacteria that is good for you tank... DON'T BUY LIVE ROCK THAT HAS NOT BEEN CYCLED TRUST ME...
If you go with those two things live rock and live sand don't rinse it off just put it in the tank. In a few days you will creatures running around this is good if you don't know what it is take it out put it in a cup with some water from the tank and go to the pet store and ask.
6.) Also before you put your water in the tank i would buy a master saltwater tester kit so you can test you PH, AMONINA, NITRITE, and NITRATE.
7.) You will need to run your filter with your heater and coral life lit for at leases a month I know this sounds like a long time but trust me it is worth the wait.
8.) I would buy on two damsel fish to help cycle you tank.
9.) Know if you want coral you going to need to buy nutrients like calcium, iodine ect. To feed your corals and to keep them strong and hard.
10.) I would also read up on what kind of fish you can have with a reef and what kind you can't some fish will eat your coral and trust me it's not cheap.

It’s a lot of work and time and money. Know for a larger tank I don't think you really need a chiller because you coral life light is really good and will not make you water hotter then I need to be.

I know it's a lot to take in but if you want to talk you can call me 619-277-7813
I can answer some of your question.

Newest Project
3 1/2 gallon NANO Reef tank
Mushroom coral
Crocea dark navy purple with bright spots
Ritter anemone/ yellow tipped
Lettuce nudibranch
Marshall island electric blue hermit
Glass anemone shrimp
Stripped mandarin goby
Black and white percula clown
coming soon grouper white with black spots
Pot belly sea horse

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