I Know Why


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
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"Why Utah?!"
They’re stupid. I saw a live BBS smack one square in the face, and it didn’t eat it, just watched it swim away. I’ve witnessed this more than once and I’m just… furious. I do all I can and the buggers are too dumb to eat! It’s frustrating when you try so hard and it doesn’t work out like this.

There are a few smart ones out of the bunch. But none of them seem to have the typical betta drive for food. They don’t go after it as eagerly as I would like.

It’s very disappointing that they aren’t eating like they should. Maybe everyone was right and they are just a weak batch, though I still wish they would survive. *Depressed sigh*

To top it off, I had one bad day yesterday. Had to get up for work orientation early, but I had to wait for the water too cool down because I heated it up too much, then I somehow managed to drop a gallon of water right on my head, getting very expensive medication all over myself, my hair, the floor, and wonderfully- in the power strip. Then I was upset, so I yelled at my dog, which only made me feel 8 billion times worse (literally, because he was only trying to help) and it just sucked…

I still feel guilty about my dog.
How frustrating!

I can't remember how old these guys are but I've read somewhere that people put guppy fry in the tank to teach the fry to eat. Just make sure either of them aren't big enough to eat eachother! I had platy fry in with my guys from about 4 weeks and it really helped them with the non-live food. Strange they don't want the live stuff though :/

don't worry about your dog, it will forgive you. I'm always yelling at mine and she still loves me :wub:
Hey Styx,
Sorry to hear about your fry. When mine were first born they just hung out near the surface, and wouldn't really go down to check out the microworms on the bottom. Maybe they didn't notice the white microworms cuz my bare bottom tank sits on a white coloured table (maybe it was hard for them to see the worms as they were the same colour as my table top). I slid a piece of dark blue paper underneath, so at least it could help them see the worms better.

I don't know if that worked, but they did seem to notice them as they started eating microworms from the bottom afterwards (after about a week after hatching). I had about a total of 15-20 fry pass away so far...most of mine passed earlier on (maybe from not being fed enough). They are just over 2 weeks old now, and are eating microworms and doing fine.

Good luck with the rest of your surviving fry. Are the BBS too "fast" for the fry right now? I'm sorry, but I can't remember if you've mentioned this already, but have you tried feeding them microworms? Or are you unable to find some in your area?

Hm. I don't have fry small enough to put with them, but maybe I can find some newborn fancies... *Ponders this*

Yeah, I know, doesn't make me feel any less guilty though. I'm giving him treats non-stop I feel so bad.

Yeah, there aren't any worms in my area. I'd have to ship them, and they're big enough to eat the brines anyway, so for my next batch I will though. No more liquifry for me.

I don't theink the shrimp are too fast. It's not like they run away from the fry, and as I said, I've seen them run into fry who still don't go after them.
At least you know why. Its better to know why and do something about it than o tear your hair out trying to find what it is.

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