I know this might be pushing it


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2004
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Could a peacock eel and a sengal bichir live in a 30 gallon tank, by themselves ( or with other fish)
I don't know if it would work but getting your opinion
hmm well im sure they could for a certain amount of time, but they will get to big and they might fight, that really is pushing it :eek:sama:
Peacock eels are spiney eels. Peacock, tire track, fire eels are all members of the spiney eel family. I believe peacocks are generally some of the smaller eels, so they would be best for a smaller tank. I am not sure about birchirs, but I think 30 gallons will be an alright home as they are young, but will need to be moved as they get older/larger.

Both those fish "could" live in a 30g for life but there could be problems with aggression from the bichir toward the eel, also peacock eels are better kept in groups as they are more active and social when kept this way, but a 30g could not support 3 peacock eels and a senegal bichir.
Okay well i have a peacock eel now. And i was thinking about donating the fish to the larger aquarium at school. What could i keep with the eel, preferably oddball, that would go with it. If i was also going to give away the eel to the tank toowhat could go with a bichir

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