I Know I Said No More But....


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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I went to the lfs and they had 4 bettas 3 were blue and very lively and happy. One little boy was in a tank and was hiding from the other fishes. So he is now in my kitchen (but please dont tell anyone he is in a water filter jug as I havent got anything else to put him in! He is swimming about quite happy..I think he would have died if I had left him :*) in the lfs.....hubby has noticed but hasnt commented...£4.75 down the drain!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I knew you couldn't stay away!
Post pics!!
Cant post piccies camera too old. Have to speak nicely to son! He(Betta not son!) has a turquoise body with red fins and a little speckly face. He is very interested in my goldfish tank next to him. He is so small he has just swam thro the hole in a little plant pot I put in for him to hide in!
Well he is in this filter jug and has made a bubble nest. He hasnt got heater but is next to a tank with one, paper between so he cant see other betta. He looks happy!
He made a bubble nest? how cute! looks like he's going to be ok :) good rescue.
I saw these weird ones at the LFS today that had chewed on looking tails. I made a comment to the fish-guy/clerk about the 1st one I saw thinking it was just one and he moved it in with different tankmates. HOWEVER, in looking at them, they all have these shorter tails that look like an attempt was made to cross VT with either halfmoons or CT. Mine is the same way but has a longer tail...These all came out kind of chewed on looking. They have the current turned up so high in those tanks plus the chewed on factor, made me want to take them all home. The breeder they use must be experimenting..?? Tre weird.
My newest betta is now out of the water filter jug and in his own 1 gallon glass tank. I also sent for one of those cheap heaters looks like a plastic mat...dont tell hubby....came really quickly. Anyway he is swimming around in his new tank and he has just been threatening the bread knife next to his tank. He is so tiny compared to my old two.. about half the size. Gonna try him on bloodworms tomorrow. :drool:

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