I Knew Cloud Was Smart... But Geez!


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
I have a goofy boy- that's for sure. I went to check on his no-so-smart snail buddy today and Cloud came shooting up from under a plant begging for food. I went to the main tank first and fed everyone; by the time I'd come back to his tank he was in his corner waiting... I opened the lid, grabbed 4 pellets and before my fingers were an inch away from the *top* of the tank, here comes Cloud jumping out of the water grabbing two pellets. Scared the crap out of me :crazy: :lol: I knew he was smart and goofy... but geez lol
Yea, they get a bit food focused. Just always keep the lid on so he'll never end up on the floor (as others have found their jumping bettas).
Yep, if I'm not fast enough lowering his twice weekly bit of crushed pea on my fingertip to the water, Tropico will lunge out of the water and grab it. When he's hungry, he's HUNGRY. Scared the bleep out of me the first time he did it. I'm just glad he doesn't have teeth! :D
:grr: my old boys only do that for the bloodworms in vitamin jelly...think they recgnise the packet! They snatch as well....very bad manners. :lol:
My lavendar/silver CT would jump whenever I was near his water, but wouldn't jump for other people. :D That's one big reason why I picked him.

Bettas have a very selective type of recognition: "oOOoooo, the one who brings food is here! The one who brings food is here!"
If either cats of bettas evolved thumbs, they'd outsource us. :lol:

I thought it was abnormel behaviour but now I have read this I know my bettas are normal. My 4 females patrol the front of the tank and give me the evil eye until I feed them. They almost lift their heads out of the water to get to the food. (1 has actually jumped out but thankfully survived).

My male, on the other hand, is very sulky. When I do a water change, he flares out the gravel vac and nudges it constantly. I removed a plant because it wasn't looking healthy and now he won't even look at me.
He is such a character.

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