i just treated my tank for white spot


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi i saw a couple of white spots on my neon tetras and then looked on the rest of my fish and they are fine but when i looked at my pleco he had huge spots on hit fins so i went and bought anti white spots from pets at home the instruction were a bit tricky to understand but i got it eventually it told me to take all my rocks and ornaments because the anti white spot treatment could stain the rocks ornaments ect..... but it didnt say anything about plants will they be ok or should i get them out and put them in a bucket with some tank water and tap water what do you think because i dont know :rofl:
Whitespot look like they have been sprinkled in salt what colour are the spots on the pleco and how big, take a really close look to make sure it isn't a parasite attacked to it.
i saw them when he was in his tank but then he hid so i caught him in my net and they must have fell off because they were gone, does the treatment i use get rid of white spot forever or do i have to do the treatment every 3 months or so?????
Only ever use medication when you need to, no the whitespot treatment won't get rid of it for ever, no medicine does that, fish will stay healthy if you look after them well with good water quality and a good varied diet,I'm abit concerned as to what was on the pleco so keep an eye out as you could have external parasites in your tank.

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