I Just Learned A Very Valuable Lesson


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
Make sure to quarentine and treat each fish for ich, before putting it in the main tank. I lost a dotty back and a misbarred clown because I added a royal gramma with ich. I'm positive its what took out my first clown as well. The royal gramma is still alive but I can't catch it as it is quite small and doesn't stay out in the open for long.

So I guess I will start over again in a month or so. No clowns or dottybacks this time. Clowns are kind of boring and the dottyback was just a jerk. This time thinking firefish, mccorskers flasher wrasse, another royal gramma(my favorite I can put in a 55 with my setup) and two others. If I hadn't just upgraded my light I would be putting the inverts, tank and live rock for sale this weekend. But the corals and other inverts are why I deal with salty anyway the fish are just an added bonus.
Yeah a QT is always a good idea. Even for corals its good to put them in a QT and observe them before putting into your main display tank. That being said I suspect most of us are fairly lax in our quarantine process if we where honest and I suspect that has bit most of us in the behind at least once.
Yeah a QT is always a good idea. Even for corals its good to put them in a QT and observe them before putting into your main display tank. That being said I suspect most of us are fairly lax in our quarantine process if we where honest and I suspect that has bit most of us in the behind at least once.

I don't think I would be able to use the same tank for fish and coral.
im in the middle of my second "why did i add that without QT first" wait before i start again... this time round it was because the tank i had used for QT for the 90 was stocked itself as a second tank.. hahaha.... oh well.. live and learn i guess.
I added my first fish on Thursday, and while I shouldn've quarantined, my LFS did it for me. I found a new mom and pop store that actually refuses to sell fish for almost a month after they get them in. They watch them and make sure they don't have disease and they are eating. How lucky is that! I'll only get my fish from them, as I don't see other stores with this type of strict practice. That being said, I've got a spare 10g in case a fish does get sick, extra powerheads and an extra heater. Ya never know...

Hurmp, the shop near me that has the Tetra's in i want, had a batch of Harlequins die (i told them they had dead fish in the tank). They then said in conversation that they had just medicated the HR's its such a shame.

"Oh all separate tanks then", said i. Thinking that they had isolated the tank in question somehow, "Oh no that would cost a fortune, they are all linked together".

"I won't be taking the tetra's then thank you very much".

Even after i had told them i have 18 they would have sold me fish knowing that they had been in a system that could have been fatal to my HR's
Yes, it's very clear that the new fish are in a separate system in the store I go to. You can see the two separate filtration systems. I don't know how long she'll stay open with the economy the way it is in the US, but I'm gunning for her. It's a fabulous way to run a store. She's also about 5 minutes from my house, so can't ask for anything better.

Not that I am advertising for the LFS that I am opening as I have not posted its name, location, or any other information about it but I can tell you this....if there is a following for saltwater hobby in your area the lady will do just fine. I live and run a LFS in a very rural area with a population of about 11,000 in each of three "cities" around me so roughly 33,000 people within a 20 minute drive of my shop along with people traveling a greater distance. I do not see all of these people nor should you expect to but as I said if the hobby is popular where she has her LFS and you have a Saltwater Society operating within the shops customer base than she will have no problem succeeding.

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