I Just Got My Adf Today.


Mar 13, 2007
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After going to three stores; Petsmart, Petco, and Pet Care Warehouse (in that order), I finally found a dwarf frog. It took me two hours to think of a name. I thought, "little, green, zen...YODA!" So I named the frog Yoda. Petco was selling african clawed frogs as just "african frogs". They were telling people that they were ADFs, but when I notified them of the true breed of the frogs, they freaked out. I also told them everything else of the frogs, then they just flaked. When I was done, I told them how to ID the frogs. I said, "You see how the eyes are on top of the head, that's a dead give-away. Those are African Clawed Frogs." They started in on their fish girl, when I stepped in to tell them that it's an easy mistake to make. But I ended up with the last dwarf frog from Pet Care Warehouse. That's how my search ended.
Well, I am happy that you were able to find one. Sometimes you have to look all over for that certain fish/invert/frog/etc. that you want and sometimes you get lucky but sometimes you don't. I would love to see pictures of the new little Yoda.
Congratulations on your new buddy, c'mon photos needed :)

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