Dec 10, 2003
Reaction score
Newcastle, England
Hello all.

Here's the situation. I got fish sent to me today by accident. They were supposed to go to someone in London but ended up with me here in Newcastle. Instead of 4 peppered cories imagine my surprise when I got:

Pair of albino kribs
Pair of blue limas
Pair of Chromidotilapia finleyi/Benitochromis nigrodorsalis cichlids - Moliwe (?)

They could not be sent back so they are mine free of charge (and my cories will arrive on Thursday :)).

I have moved my 2 peppered cories from the 16UK tank to my coldwater tank to be with the other 2 cories and the 4 that will arrive next week, and put the blue limas in with my 4 other cories, 6 barbs and 4 otos. I hope this will be ok for now at least.

The kribs and other cichlids have been realeased into my 71UK community tropical tank. Now as you can see from my signature I have a lot of fish in there already but always have perfect levels.

This is where it gets complicated...

You will also see that I already have 2 kribs (non-albino, non-breeding). Since I released the kribs the 2 females have been nose-nose fighting a bit and the original female is being the nasty one. The original female is about half the size of the new and the original male is about a third of the size of the new. The males seem fine. The old female seems to really like the new male and they have been together a lot. If the aggression keeps up with the old female, my plan is to move her to my 8.5UK hospital tank for a few days and let the 2 new settle in. I will then radically change the tank, add more caves and then let the old female back in. If that doesn't work out, I dunno yet.

Now then, to the 'proper' cichlids. I am scared of cichlids as I feel the keeper needs to know an awful lot more than I do but I have been flung in at the deep end and will have to do what I can for now. They have gone in the tank and seem ok now. Just checking the place out. Monty at Trimar (the seller) reckons these will be ok in my tank. But I am not sure as I thought only kribs and rams could be considered for a community tank.

Any help/advice etc etc woud be greatly appreciated :)

Edit: I have replaced the post I put up, this one has more information and is more up to date. ;)
:D Lucky you!
I'm sorry I don't know anything about the fish though, I tried doing research, and from what I could gather, Benitochromis nigrodorsalis comes from a non rift lake in Africa (like kribs) and can grow 14 cm. You may want to try to experiment and put the Cichlids a spare tank (if you have one) and see how they interact with each other or with dither fish (like tiger barbs) to determine how aggressive they will be. :)
FREEBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZIP!!ZERO!!!!!!!!!!NADA :D wish I can get a free fish, but I would be in trouble if i do so since I don't have a big enough tank. This is just a warning Miss Cheesy and don't take offence to it, sometimes when they say a particular cichlid is okay for a community tank it's not really true it depends on the fish that you got. I currently got a Blue Acara and according to my research, they are a peacefull cichlid but he's been having my bloodfin tetras for a midnight snack :crazy: . So if those cichlids are going to grow more than 3" you better keep a close eye on your smaller fish and make sure those cichlids are well feed...
G_Sharky said:
FREEBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZIP!!ZERO!!!!!!!!!!NADA :D wish I can get a free fish, but I would be in trouble if i do so since I don't have a big enough tank. This is just a warning Miss Cheesy and don't take offence to it, sometimes when they say a particular cichlid is okay for a community tank it's not really true it depends on the fish that you got. I currently got a Blue Acara and according to my research, they are a peacefull cichlid but he's been having my bloodfin tetras for a midnight snack :crazy: . So if those cichlids are going to grow more than 3" you better keep a close eye on your smaller fish and make sure those cichlids are well feed...
I totally understand what you mean, it's not offensive at all. They seem to be ok just now. The guy who told me they'd be ok is very well respected and is often mentioned on forums as well as being a member of lots of them.

They look ok just now. They have all eaten which is great IMO after all the travelling etc. The fighting between the kribs seems to be better but the male albino and normal female are getting very cosy so I am not sure how the albino female is going to be about that. The 10US is standing by...
what company does mail order in the uk??
or are they from abroad?

i've been looking for a while, and cant find a mail order company in the uk.

Hey Cheese, when in doubt with cichlids, re-arrange the tank. Move everything all around and the fish will be forced to redefine territories and pecking order. The result could result in harmony in the tank. Then again, maybe not. That's one of the fun parts about cichlids - they're unpredictable!
thecichlidaddict said:
Hey Cheese, when in doubt with cichlids, re-arrange the tank. Move everything all around and the fish will be forced to redefine territories and pecking order. The result could result in harmony in the tank. Then again, maybe not. That's one of the fun parts about cichlids - they're unpredictable!
I am going to do that now. Hope it works alright. Need to find stuff to use as caves.
DrOizo said:
Free fishies = cool unless your tank is overstocked :lol: So the other person got sent another batch of fish aswell?
Yeah, 4 corries and some water condtioner. Wonder who get the better deal?! I have the receipt and they were worth about £40.

I have rearranged my tank now and I think it's pretty good. I have added and made more caves.

Going to put pics up in the pic forum soon.

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