I Just Broke My Breeding Tank.


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I was doing water changes in all of my tanks and bowls...and when I went to pour water into Pisces' 10 gallon, I rested (is that even a word? :lol: ) the jug on the edge of the tank. I heard a *POP* :crazy: I looked and there were 2 giant cracks down the glass. UGH! Looks like my spawn diary is going to be a little further off. I still have the 25 gallon but I have no way of heating it, because the heater for the 25 is in the 55 becuase the heater I bought for the 55, sucks. I just don't have the money right now. :-(
haha. Dude, I am sooo mad. $10 down the drain and now I have to rearrange all of my fish. :/
cant you use a large plastic container they sell lizard containers which are plastic but can hold up to ten gallons and are water tight in petshops around me for very cheap then you could use your current heater etc.
I decided to see if my 10 gallon heater would work in my 25 if I filled it up with only5 inches of water...and I've got 80 degrees! I had to build a lid out of syran wrap and cardboard to keep the heat in and its working...this would be better anyway because I wouldn't have to transfer the fry! :nod: So all is not lost!

And King is working on a HUUUGE bubblenest...and I feel bad not being able to breed him. Poor little VT. I swear his bubble nest covers 1/3 of the tank surface...maybe I can try and steal some to help Picses along. :p

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