i just bought a beautiful speckled betta AND...


crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
fort worth texas
i need to know what fish from my other 10 gallon can go inside of my new 10 gallon WITH my betta!

i have 2 black mollies
2 glass fish
1 panda cory
1 weather loach
1 common pleco
1 skunk loach
You can try them but it may not work it all depends on your betta and his temperment.
no no no i need to know wich of my fish can i put into my betta tank! cause my betta is in a 10 gallon al alone and my other fish are in a DIFFERENT 10 gallon!
I would say about the only thing you could try with him is mr. pleco.
Other than that he'll probably nip or get nipped.
That's just what I think, tho - someone else with experience with those other fish might have other ideas.
daudy_dojo said:
no no no i need to know wich of my fish can i put into my betta tank! cause my betta is in a 10 gallon al alone and my other fish are in a DIFFERENT 10 gallon!
I said you can try them(any) but it doesn't mean they will get along but then again they could get along you never know.
I don't know about the other species, but the Panda Cory may be fine with the Betta. I kept an Albino Cory in a tank of female Bettas for a couple months, and the two species got along fine.
The cory and pleco would be your best bet...
With the size of the tank clown pleco should be fine with just the betta but clown plecos are said to be territorial. Mine are.......
cool beans yea im just moving my betta to my 1 gallon corner veiwer and then im just gonna had my panda to that to help clean up (or maybe even get another)
i definetly know im getting some peppered cories for my new ten gallon and that im getting a fan tail gold fish cause one of its eyes is bigger than the other ^_^
my BF said that i shouldnt get it cause its deformed but i told to think about it and wonder how he would feel if one of his eyes was bigger than the other and he wasnt getting any girls ^_^ im also gonna get some silver mollies JUST for him! (he is just like a lil kid at the LFS

when my albino cory died a couple of days ago (silent moment for nightstalker is had :byebye: *that one sad music plays*) my panda cory became way more active ^_^ i was SOOO happy!!!

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