I just bought a 10 gallon tank...need help, please


Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Washington DC Metro Area

I currently have 5 bettas. One is a female, two are male and the last two are unknowns, as they are still babies. I just bought a 10 gallon tank and I would like to know what I have to do to it for it to become useable.

Obviously, I will not be putting my two betta males into the tank, but I would like to put in several females. How many Betta females would you suggest? Also, I've heard it is possible to put ONE Betta male into a 10 gallon tank with other fish (as long as their are places to hide). Is this accurate? If not, what types of fish can I put into my 10 gallon with my Betta females? I like bright colored fish.

Also, I've heard the term "cycling" used often and I have no idea what it means. What does it mean? How do you do it? Why do you have to do it?

Do I need live plants in my 10 gallon tank or will silk plants do? Any other decorating suggestions?

What kind of filter do I need and what kind of heater is appropriate?

So sorry for ALL these questions, I just have no experience with tanks beyond my 1 gallons in which I'm currently keeping all of my Bettas.

Currently I am using HBH water conditioner (with a Ph neutral regulator) in my tap water and it works pretty well. I have been advised to discontinue using the Ph regulator...I plan on doing this, but I must acclimate my fish first.

Oh, there's so much to do....any advice, help or suggestions you can offer would be SO GREATLY appreciated!


I just discovered the BEGINNERS section of the board where it tells about cycling and other things. This is very helpful....
Yes and don't forget to cycle your tank ;) or you wont have many bettas left. Goodluck with them ;)
your best bet is three female Bettas in the ten gallon, with perhaps a small school of cories or Kuhlii loaches as a cleaner crew. the grace and quirkyness of the Bettas will be countered with the clownliness of the cats or loaches =)

but yes, a single male gets on fine in a community. as you can see by my sig i keep a male Betta in my community; he's a puppy dog. i've seen my Silver-Tipped chase and maul her smaller counterpart, chew up a Pleco and a Neon's tail. but my Betta is calm and cool, he plays with the loaches but otherwise hangs around the heater, or his own little depression he's made in the gravel, or he picks up extra food with the loaches.

another option is to divide your tank, i haven't done it but i know of people who have. you can divide a ten gallon three ways and keep three Bettas- all in the same tank, with the same filter, heater and lights- in their own seperate partition.

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