I Just Bought 2 Golden Wonder Killi Fish With A Bgk


New Member
Aug 3, 2009
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I bought two golden wonder killi fish and they are the size of a guppy. I had assumed that they were going to stay that size but now someone has told me differently and I also have a BGK i bought the niext day and didn't know much about. So I'm going to get a bigger tank. So are these killi fish going to be a problem?
They will grow to around 4 inches. And looking at your other stock shouldn't hopefully be a problem once you upgrade.

What is the 'Autocat'?

And also when you say you are going to upgrade I just wanted to make sure you are aware that you need a 4ft (200l+) tank for a Juvenile BGKF, but after a few months you will need a 6ft (400l+) tank. Otherwise you could (and probably will), encounter agression issues and stress the fish out.

Ps. Golden rule is to never buy a fish you don't know about!
Okay thank you. I'm going to buy probably a 55 g or bigger.
Okay thank you. I'm going to buy probably a 55 g or bigger.

The 55g will only be suitable for a matter of months. You need over 100gal to house the BGKF for life.
The problem with growing large fish on in smaller tanks is that you don't know at what point they start having their growth stunted.
So you could in theory put it into a 55g and then upgrade again to a 100g in the future. But you 'in theory' are still risking stunting it's growth.
OKay thank you. I'll convince my mom with a plan to get a bigger one.
your BGK will most likely eat your smaller fish as well; guppies, killies, platies, kribensis...
albino catfish i'm guessing are cories so them too

I would advise against keeping a predatorial fish in a community tank
My BGK seems to be fine with all the fish. The only ones I've found a mark on are one of my male guppies so I'm going to be moving the guppies.

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