I Have Wanted Some Red Betta For Awhile


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I just stopped to look. One of the boys started to dance. He danced every time I looked at him. And he is young and pretty. :wub:

Then I looked at another one and thought ,"That one too." I called the service helper over to show me my selections. He said, "Those are nice but look at this red. I haven't seen such a deep red and so solid all the way to the nose. Very unusual." I told him for sure I want the dancing one, then I took the cambo red one too. Well maybe it isn't cambo, but he is special.

So here are my new Pretty Boys:

Dancer and Blood






Sorry, I'm working on the size of the pics.
:drool: I saw a lovely red just like Blood at the fish store today....I almost snatched him but I had two fish going home with me anyway and I don't have the room...well I do but not the money....well I did have the money.... Why didn't I buy him!??!?!?! :X
Yes Blood is a purdy red, but Dancer has the personality. :wub:

I will work on the pics at work tomorrow. I hate the program on this computer, but it's dsl. The one I use at work has a great program, but I have to use dial-up.

I like both boys actually.

I'm going to go sit down for awhile. I don't have a seat at my computer yet. :/
I've always had a weakness for red bettas, especially after I got my Sori. :D Blood looks like a young 'n randy Sori. :lol:

I like bettas with personality, though. There's one betta at work that perks up when I walk over to his bowl. >< The personable ones are always harder to resist than the pretty ones, right? (The pretty ones are already hard enough)
Bro Blood has learned fast. He has watched Dancer get blackworms and watched him hunt them. He watched him dance and hunt. Now when he sees me he comes right away to the tank side and purses his lips and swishes his tail a little.

But Dancer danced when there were no blackworms. Blood looks a little older, too, so his tail may be a little fuller, because Dancer is younger.

I went over to test them to see what they would do when I came up. Bro Blood was right there with his pointy little nose and pursed lips right up at me. From the back of the tank up came Dancer and stuck his little pointed nose at Blood and said with a flare and a wiggle, Hey, You, back off. She's mine, you copy cat!

Blood and Dancer :wub:
they are super fish....my red is almost a complete colour...how do you take such lovely piccies....got to sort myself out camera wise....anyone know of cheap ones that you can use with compuer? holding yorkie on lap as she is being a pain..why typing is funny :hey:

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