I Have To Move My Rocks


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi guys ,

I have decided to move LR to attach them to the back of the tank,
I already have one fish, 2 corals and fire shrimp, can u please tell me how dangerous it might be for them?
maybe I have to remove them from the tank?

Thank you.
Not dangerous at all unless one gets squished. You may want to move the coral so that it's out of the way.
By "attach" to the back of the tank I hope you're not just propping it against the back wall. Unless you have some thick glass this could be a fairly risky move.
By "attach" to the back of the tank I hope you're not just propping it against the back wall. Unless you have some thick glass this could be a fairly risky move.

Actually yes I wanted to prop them on the back wall, I have acrilic tank, is that dangerous?

Thanks for your help.
By "attach" to the back of the tank I hope you're not just propping it against the back wall. Unless you have some thick glass this could be a fairly risky move.

Actually yes I wanted to prop them on the back wall, I have acrilic tank, is that dangerous?

Thanks for your help.
As long as you make sure its stable it will be fine
have you thought about using egg crates to raise/position your rocks ? having them touching back of tank isnt the best idea not only cus theres a chance u can crack your tank but the fish etc like to swim behind rocks aswell.
have you thought about using egg crates to raise/position your rocks ? having them touching back of tank isnt the best idea not only cus theres a chance u can crack your tank but the fish etc like to swim behind rocks aswell.

Not really, but think for advice
Acrylic tanks can take the point-stresses of having rocks leaned up against them. No big deal there. The only trouble with doing this is that cleaning/scraping the wall behind them will be difficult. Stacking rocks against a glass wall is NOT a wise course of action ;)

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