i have thought


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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i have thought about breeding in a 5 gal w/ fancy guppies and i dont know if that is a good idea but if not that is fine i will get some tetras in there probly some neons or lemon tell me what you think

go fishes
Depends what you mean? Are you breeding in the tank and then transferring the fry or you want them to breed in a 5 gal permenant home?
canarsie, off topic, but your sig is entirely too big dude, the new rules say 5 lines of text :)
yes i know it is too big i think i fixed it

yes only 5 gal and i thought about selling them to my friends but their parents said no
neontetra05 said:
yes i know it is too big i think i fixed it

yes only 5 gal and i thought about selling them to my friends but their parents said no
lol you dont have a signature, i was talking to canarsie ;)
If you don't remove the fry from the parents, you won't have a lot of fry survive, maybe a couple a month.
Guppies breed like mad. Like, 80 fry on average in my experience.
When I had my 5 gallon at the beginning of the semester I had a pair of guppies and ONLY a pair of guppies in the 5 gallon. Whenever the female dropped fry I'd separate the ones not eaten by the parents, and then feed the remaining babies to my bettas as a treat. I've since stopped doing this because I managed to give all my guppies away to a friend with a 10 gallon in another residence. Whatever offspring he produces go to a friend of ours with a pirahna. :)
Unless you're going to find a home for that many fry, it's not really a good idea and it'll result in a lot of overstocking.
littlefishie said:
I've since stopped doing this because I managed to give all my guppies away to a friend with a 10 gallon in another residence. Whatever offspring he produces go to a friend of ours with a pirahna. :)
That's an awesome system! :thumbs:

As for the guppies, 2 adult + 80 fry = equals 5< gallons
It was cheaper than feeder guppies and goldfish every week.. Basically Paul's 10g is now the other guy's feeder growout tank. :lol:

If anything, it entertains them on their drinking weekends at Paul's..
Just imagine..

"I want to name that one Fred."
"Why bother? It's gonna get eaten."
"Hey, can I pet the fish?"
"Would you still ask me that if it were his pirahna?"

..one of them did try to pet a fish once.. I walked in the door as he was holding it in his hand and managed to get it back in the tank. It's still alive as far as I know.
[/ off topic]

The only way I'd see this working would be if you didn't try to save any of the fry. When I did that I got 4 babies, which have since grown up into 3 gorgeous males and a female.. they're living at the LFS now, no one's bought them yet. I love trade-ins. :D
Im hoping to trade in Angel fry :D

By the way, on New Years, we all got drunk and my brother caught one of my Silver Dollars with his hands, then asked if he could have a bath with it, or if he could put it in the hottub. Good thing I had the Tequila AFTER that.

P.S - Tequila = Bad

DB :fish:

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