I Have These Rocks That Have Been Outside And I Wanna Put Them In My T


Fish Fanatic
Feb 18, 2007
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ok these rocks would be good for hiding places and i want to put them in my tank.. what should i do.. how should i clean them?? any other suggestions..

plz and thanks 4 the help
First, test with vinegar to see if they fizz, this is a standard test to see if the rocks contain calcium. Calcium leaching from the rocks will increase hardness & pH, which is very undesirable with many fish, but desirable with others, mainly African Cichlids.

I prefer to soak rocks in a bucket with 1 part bleach to 20 parts water, after rinsing with a hose while scrubbing with a stiff brush. Others prefer to pour boiling water over the rocks. The-Wolf has been kind enough to start, and continue with this topic on rocks for a few years now, it is loaded with info; http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=55806
Bleach.. me i was thinking spraying them with the hose high pressure, then soaking them in hot water.then srubing with other water. then soaking again, and then dry in the sun.

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