Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
ok i have a plan in my mind. i want to join up my 2 x 2m long tanks and my 1m tank. i want them all in a row so that the one on the left is higher than the middle one, which is higher than the one at the right.
i then want the water from the first tank flowing into the second then that flows into the third. (one 2m tank at either end with the one metre tank in the middle, im thinking of having just plants in the middle one as a kind of grow out tank, the oscars in the first tank and my red clawed crayfish in the other end)
they will all be run off the same large sump filter.
how would i go about doing this so all three tanks are properely filtered? can they all be ran off the same sump? how do i make sure the water flows properely from the first all the way to the third?
if anyone needs a diagram let me know and i'll draw one up for in the morning
it is my mega tank plan, will look like one large tank but three different 'sections' each with a theme (will have to be based on the same ph/temp range though i guess
i then want the water from the first tank flowing into the second then that flows into the third. (one 2m tank at either end with the one metre tank in the middle, im thinking of having just plants in the middle one as a kind of grow out tank, the oscars in the first tank and my red clawed crayfish in the other end)
they will all be run off the same large sump filter.
how would i go about doing this so all three tanks are properely filtered? can they all be ran off the same sump? how do i make sure the water flows properely from the first all the way to the third?
if anyone needs a diagram let me know and i'll draw one up for in the morning
it is my mega tank plan, will look like one large tank but three different 'sections' each with a theme (will have to be based on the same ph/temp range though i guess