I have stopped eating fish because I don't see them as food anymore

Blackwater guru

Fish Fanatic
Dec 22, 2019
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So I have had much success keeping my fish in my first aquarium a 145 l tank designed to mimic their native forest habitats of Brazil.

What has happened during late September and Oktober this year though is that I have effectively stopped viewing fish as a source of food because I have essentially started to view them the way pet owners see cats and dogs which are that they are pets and friends that are not supposed to be eaten.

Yet many people who don't own fish see them as less worth than something cuddly like a dog or a cat because in their minds fish such as goldfish are just house decorations that don't serve much of a purpose besides looking good and because they think fish have very short lives which is a myth caused by the neglect commonly seen in goldfish and the types of fish that parents buy their child just to make them shut up for example when finding nemo or finding dory came out in theatres causing the unfair deaths and suffering of many fish at the hands of owners and children not prepared to make this commitment.

When I see other people eat fish even if it's coldwater species like Salmon or Cod I feel the same way inside as how a dog or a cat person would probably feel if they were served dog or cat meat when traveling to China and besides I don't really like fish all that much especially not salmon.

After all even coldwater species like salmon or cod can actually be kept in home aquariums provided there is enough space and good filtration,this could be the case if you wanted to keep fish native to your country which in my case is Sweden and there would already be plenty of options such as the above mentioned species.

Some people might find this to be abnormal but in my eyes it's a moral issue that I just can't unsee once I have seen it and the funny thing is that I never saw it coming .
That's a decision everyone has to make and I respect yours. Nothing lives without something else dying, and I think that's important to keep in mind when making moral decisions about such things. Each person has to decide where to draw the line.

The bright side is that if you aren't eating fish, there's more for me! ;)
My fish are my pets agreed but I don’t love them like I’d love a dog , there my hobby keeps me sane.. ish but I eat fish cus they taste good if there is ever a point where I eat dog and it tastes nice then let’s farm them ahahah so is all sea food off the menu or are crabs prawns lobster ect still food
I respect your decision and dedication to a diet change.

I'm no vegetarian or vegan. But I can respect the views of those who are and wouldn't want to impose my lifestyle on someone else either.

I still eat fish personally. I just draw the line at the species I keep. So no eating cories, bettas, tetras, goldfish, hoplos, plecos, etc. For me.

That said, I won't eat rabbit or sheep/lamb for personal reasons, similar to your reasoning. Too many people have rabbits as pets so it feels weird for me, and I've had them as pets as a kid.

I grew up on a meat farm as a kid, so ive been around the whole process from the animals birth all the way to the dinner table.

Part of that though is why I dont eat lamb/sheep. I had one I was really attached to. When I was 6 he was my best friend. He would come when I called him, I could hug him, he let me ride around on his back around the pasture. He loved me scratching his head between his horns. Even though I knew he was meant for food and understood this as a kid. But I made it clear to my family I didn't want to eat HIM.

But alas, Christmas dinner came and some of my family told me I was eating him and that was the last time I ever ate sheep or lamb.

Even now over decades later, even with my husband being a cook, I will not touch sheep of any kind or preparation. Its so wrong to me now, but I won't tell my husband he can't eat it just because of my childhood incident.

It's interesting why people make their own decisions with their diets. And its not always easy to do, so good on you sticking to it :D
I eat fish, salmon is my favourite.

I view eating fish the same way I view eating mammals. I don't eat cats or dogs because they are cuddly pets but I do eat cows, sheep and pigs which are not cuddly pets (well not to me at least).
I respect your decision and dedication to a diet change.

I'm no vegetarian or vegan. But I can respect the views of those who are and wouldn't want to impose my lifestyle on someone else either.

I still eat fish personally. I just draw the line at the species I keep. So no eating cories, bettas, tetras, goldfish, hoplos, plecos, etc. For me.

That said, I won't eat rabbit or sheep/lamb for personal reasons, similar to your reasoning. Too many people have rabbits as pets so it feels weird for me, and I've had them as pets as a kid.

I grew up on a meat farm as a kid, so ive been around the whole process from the animals birth all the way to the dinner table.

Part of that though is why I dont eat lamb/sheep. I had one I was really attached to. When I was 6 he was my best friend. He would come when I called him, I could hug him, he let me ride around on his back around the pasture. He loved me scratching his head between his horns. Even though I knew he was meant for food and understood this as a kid. But I made it clear to my family I didn't want to eat HIM.

But alas, Christmas dinner came and some of my family told me I was eating him and that was the last time I ever ate sheep or lamb.

Even now over decades later, even with my husband being a cook, I will not touch sheep of any kind or preparation. Its so wrong to me now, but I won't tell my husband he can't eat it just because of my childhood incident.

It's interesting why people make their own decisions with their diets. And its not always easy to do, so good on you sticking to it :D
I tried lamb once and it was disgusting, I don't think I will ever eat it again.
I eat fish, salmon is my favourite.

I view eating fish the same way I view eating mammals. I don't eat cats or dogs because they are cuddly pets but I do eat cows, sheep and pigs which are not cuddly pets (well not to me at least).
Fresh grilled King salmon is where its at. The meat is so oily which makes it my favorite species of salmon. Have you ever had halibut? In my opinion its the best tasting fish.
So I have had much success keeping my fish in my first aquarium a 145 l tank designed to mimic their native forest habitats of Brazil.

What has happened during late September and Oktober this year though is that I have effectively stopped viewing fish as a source of food because I have essentially started to view them the way pet owners see cats and dogs which are that they are pets and friends that are not supposed to be eaten.

Yet many people who don't own fish see them as less worth than something cuddly like a dog or a cat because in their minds fish such as goldfish are just house decorations that don't serve much of a purpose besides looking good and because they think fish have very short lives which is a myth caused by the neglect commonly seen in goldfish and the types of fish that parents buy their child just to make them shut up for example when finding nemo or finding dory came out in theatres causing the unfair deaths and suffering of many fish at the hands of owners and children not prepared to make this commitment.

When I see other people eat fish even if it's coldwater species like Salmon or Cod I feel the same way inside as how a dog or a cat person would probably feel if they were served dog or cat meat when traveling to China and besides I don't really like fish all that much especially not salmon.

After all even coldwater species like salmon or cod can actually be kept in home aquariums provided there is enough space and good filtration,this could be the case if you wanted to keep fish native to your country which in my case is Sweden and there would already be plenty of options such as the above mentioned species.

Some people might find this to be abnormal but in my eyes it's a moral issue that I just can't unsee once I have seen it and the funny thing is that I never saw it coming .
I mean its not really weird, some people can get more emotionaly attached to things then others. Growing up in Alaska I was raised killing fish so I don't get emotinaly attached to the fish I keep.
It's all what you're used to. I live in a big rock-climbing community, and there's a crag around here that is notorious for people bringing their big, aggressive dogs and letting them run loose, a practice a climber/writer friend warned about in his guidebook. He also addressed some criticism: "Many people say that I don't like dogs. Not true. On the contrary, during my time in Vietnam, I often found them to be delicious."

There are lots of animals (carp, marmots, snakes) that people around here consider disgusting as food, but in other places they are the main course. This isn't the same as my dislike of kale or brussels sprouts, which is purely based on flavor. It's more of a cultural thing. In most "western" countries, dogs are friends, not food. An Indian Hindu would be utterly disgusted by the hamburger I just downed for lunch. Some people are appalled at the thought of eating venison, because deer are so beautiful, but those beautiful deer are a staple at Casa Badger. I can't say I wouldn't try any of the above if I were hungry enough.

I do draw the line at my own species, so I will be extra cautious next time @Colin_T invites me to lunch.
It's all what you're used to. I live in a big rock-climbing community, and there's a crag around here that is notorious for people bringing their big, aggressive dogs and letting them run loose, a practice a climber/writer friend warned about in his guidebook. He also addressed some criticism: "Many people say that I don't like dogs. Not true. On the contrary, during my time in Vietnam, I often found them to be delicious."

There are lots of animals (carp, marmots, snakes) that people around here consider disgusting as food, but in other places they are the main course. This isn't the same as my dislike of kale or brussels sprouts, which is purely based on flavor. It's more of a cultural thing. In most "western" countries, dogs are friends, not food. An Indian Hindu would be utterly disgusted by the hamburger I just downed for lunch. Some people are appalled at the thought of eating venison, because deer are so beautiful, but those beautiful deer are a staple at Casa Badger. But as for me, I can't say I wouldn't try any of the above if I were hungry enough.

I do draw the line at my own species, so I will be extra cautions next time @Colin_T invites me to lunch.
Oh man venison is delicious, I would even go farther and say it taste better than moose. I went deer hunting last year in Montana and my dad and I shot some mule deer and they were delicious, even though some people say they taste nasty.
Oh man venison is delicious, I would even go farther and say it taste better than moose. I went deer hunting last year in Montana and my dad and I shot some mule deer and they were delicious, even though some people say they taste nasty.
Nah, mulies taste good. Elk are better, IMO. Most of the nasty taste comes from their not being treated right in the field, so the meat partially spoils. Of course it tastes nasty, then! Congrats on your successful hunt. I haven't even gotten to go out this year. It's kind of depressing.

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