i have parasites


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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i can only see them on my C,compressiceps(pike cichlid)it's on top of his head,last night there were 5 on his head and 1 on his pectoral fin.i jacked the temp up and poured half the recommended dose of salt and this morning he only had 3 left.
not really sure on what else to do coz i've never had this problem before,but here's my plan
since i plan to move the tank this weekend i'm gonna put the catfish in 1 rubbermaid and the cichlids/others in another rubbermaid container,do a 100% water change(not touching the filters yet)then give the cichlids a salt bath-now how long should i keep them in the "salt bath"?and is this a good idea?

since i hear that the cats should not be around salt what do i do w/them?i don't have meds nor do i like to use them but if ya have any in mind... :/ lemme know.

any other advice/ideas geatly would be appreciated.

ph=just under 7(the color was somewhere in between 6.5 and 7 actually)
filtration=1=AC 500
1=Penguin 330
1=internal fluval 4plus
temp. 81=degs

Hi sam,

You really need to try and identify what type of parasite it is..... :/ - salt is not allways effective....depending...

Usually medications work effectively, cure the whole tank and are safe for most species....

Choice of med will depend on parasite and where you live...

I don't really see the point of a 100% WC unless the whole tank is stripped as the parasite could well survive in the gravel/decor/filter - 100% might do more harm than good :/

I think in the case of a parasite, its best to dose the whole tank. That way you effectively eliminate the whole population. Even 1 little guy left in the bottom of the gravel can wreak havoc. I am against chemicals too, but if I where in your shoes, I'd use a good medicine. I'll see what I can find on good meds for ya.
A couple I found based on just parasites. Try to give me a better description if you can.

Pipzine 10 Cap

A wide spectrum anti-parasitic medication for treating Gourami disease, open sores, and ulcers, unknown parasites and weight loss. Safe for freshwater and marine aquariums. Do not use in aquariums with invertebrates. Contains: 250mg water soluble Piperazine Citrate activity. ^Aquatronic ...


This is an anti-parasitic medication specifically blended for freshwater cichlids, but can also be used for marine fish. A colorless medication to treat and prevent open sores and ulcers, Capallaria, concaved abdomen, Hexamita, internal worms and other symptoms associated with parasitic infections ...

4oz Dip A Way

A disinfectant for fresh and marine fish as well as a dip treatment and prevention of bacterial, fungal & parasitic diseases on aquarium fish. Contains: merbromin and sodium chloride. ...

1oz Dyacide

Prevents and controls external parasites on fish, including gill flukes, hook worms, fish lice, parasite copepods & pinpoint sores. For freshwater and marine aquariums. Warning: Contains Dylox! Do not use in aquariums with inverts! ...


Paragon I - A blended biotic powder for the treatment of hole in the head, copepods, leeches, anchor worm, flukes, Argulus, fungal infections and secondary infections. Safe for fresh and marine aquariums. Contains Dylox. Do not use with invertebrates. ...

Does it look like a worm???
hi wetwet

is there a site that can help me find out what it is :huh: i'm sure i have something in my favorites but i'm not at my desk :/
Can you descibe the parasite?

Try the waterlife site - may help - go to disease diagnosis WATERLIFE

If I remember any more I'll post them :)

sorry impur i didn't notice you replied,thanks you so much(the both of you )for getting all that info for me :D it got crazy here at work and i couldn't even get a minute to do it myself.
you're lifesavers :thumbs: literally ;)

thanks alot :)

btw-i went home for lunch and when i looked at the pikes head i didn't see anything :/

[/QUOTE]Does it look like a worm???
looked like little white dots :( i've only seen it on 1 fish but some of them are scratching :/
Hope all goes well. Compressiceps are sweet cichlids. Wish i could fine some here :/
Hope all goes well. Compressiceps are sweet cichlids. Wish i could fine some here

thanks :) yeah they'r really cool looking fish but the male is nasty to everyone!! even cichlids that are 3 and 4"s bigger than him.i bought a male and female for 30 dollars-sweet deal-they'r 30 each at the lfs.

thanks again :D

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