I have nitrates! Now what?

Ted's Mom

New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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In our new and first ever 10 gallon tank I've been trying fishless cycling. The nitrites where off the chart until the day before yesterday. This morning the tests showed 0 nitrites and 5.0 ppm nitrates. So are we ready for fish yet? Should I change the water first? Do I change all of it or just some? Do I keep adding ammonia until we get fish? How long before adding fish do I stop with the ammonia? Anything else I should know?
sounds like your tank has cycled ,providing you have a reading of 0 ammonia,0 nitrite,you have a reading of nitrate just dont let it get too high if does do a water change ,if your readings are stable you are ready to add your first few fish.Good luck. ;)
You might consider making sure that everything is working by adding one more dose of ammonia and checking your parameters tomorrow and the next day. If they both read ammonia:0, nitrites:0, and nitrates 5+, you're ready for fish this weekend. Just do a big waterchange with dechlorinated water the night before you add fish.


Where are my manners? Two other things...

1. You must be so excited! What fish are you going to get for your tank!? :)

2. Welcome to the forum! :thumbs:
Welcome to the forum!!

Looks like your ready to go but as a precaution follow the advise that modernhamlet gave you. I know you are excited but it's better to be safe than sorry :p

Good luck with the tank. I hope it gives you as much enjoyment as mine have given me.
Ted said:
Those nitrites, when they decide to drop, they drop in a hurry don't they?!? Just went thru the same thing with my 29 gallon, and I also see a trip to the lfs in the near future!!

5 ppm nitrates is very low actually. Did you have your water tested at your lfs? I would suggest you do that, because my nitrate test kit doesn't work... shows 0 when the lfs tester shows 30.

As far as the volume of water change, I guess I would suggest a 50-75% water change. This should ensure that the fish have a good % of fresh water, and that the nitrate level is lowered to a safe level.

As far as adding ammonia... I would continue to add until 24 hours prior to adding the fish.

Good luck and enjoy your first fishies!!
Thanks for the advice. If everything keeps looking good, then we'll make a trip to the lfs this weekend. Hurray! My 4-year-old, the driving force behind the aquarium, will be thrilled. He has his heart set on a cory catfish and a siamese fighting fish. I was also thinking of adding a few neon tetras. I hope these will all work together. If the betta is a bad idea, then maybe I could persuade him to get a pair of fancy guppies, although the idea of babies has no interest for him at this point.
Bettas can be successful in a community aquarium if you select the right tankmates for them. Just make sure you keep an eye on things for the first few days to make sure there's no major aggression. Bettas have a wide range of personalities!

Corys: Get 3-4 of the little ones. They are a shoaling species and will do best in a group. They're a great choice with the betta.

I don't THINK you'll have a problem with the neons and betta together... Anyone with experience?
just an idea i like to keep my nitrate and nitrite both at 0 just so i have nothing to worry about, A solution called PRIME will help take all you baad levels down to 0 :*

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