I Have My Marine Tank !


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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I have now got my marine fish tank and i am soooo pleased with it.
The tank is 400 litres and came with a stand, skimmer, sump (which is about 60 litres, making the tanks volume about 460 litres right ?), lights, about 7-8 powerheads and a bit of salt.
I cant wait to get it set up :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:.
Now im going to start planning the stock list.
This is only my second attempt at pics so exuse me if they are not the best.
And are you planning Durso Standpipes with an internal weir?
Yes i am planning on it being a reef tank.
SkiFletch, im not sure what you mean by Durso Standpipes and internal weir. But if you mean water goes done the two pipes and into the sump then is pumped back into the tank then yes. If that isnt what you mean could you explain to me what you mean?
Watch out with the bioballs. They're known to cause high nitrates, which isn't a good thing to have for a reef. You're better off putting some phosphate media or carbon in that spot.
Watch out with the bioballs. They're known to cause high nitrates, which isn't a good thing to have for a reef. You're better off putting some phosphate media or carbon in that spot.

i agree with the above except I would use LR rubble instead with some form of phosphate removal media placed on top so water goes throug the rubble and then through the chemical media! :good:
The guy who sold me the tank said that the bio-balls were ok but it would be better if i replaced them.

I would put a bit of live rock rubble in the first section of the sump (where the bioballs are at the moment) along with chemical media and some other form of media, then in the larger second part to the right where the skimmer will be setup i might add a piece of live rock, no subatrate as it will be easyer to clean without and maybe some plain poly pads just to remove large waste particals and just replace them every week or 2.

The water will also pass through a fairly large external EHEIM filter which will clean the water further through some more poly pads a carbon pads and then pump the water back into the tank.

I may also add a small power head to the sump to add a little extra water movement.

Anyone else have any ideas as to what i can add to the sump?
Why add a eheim filter? you have a sump? NO chemical media just add a DSB and some LR rubble some chaeto or grape caulpera and a skimmer! blam sorted a sump best filtration you can get?

Take a look at my sump! I have near perfect readings and I still havent been bothered to put my LR rubble or chaeto in the sump yet!!

I really think using a external filter, chemical media and Bio balls are a waste of time?

Did you used to keep freshwater or something??

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