I have fry!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2005
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My pearl gourami and apparently a blue have nested and there's a ton of fry! :wub: The blue is defending the quadrant ferousily :sly: , even stared me down when I was looking in. Now, I'm not quite sure what to do with them. The bubble nest went unnoticed by me :*) until I saw the fry this evening and I'm not sure is I should move them or leave them be. I set up a 39 gallon with some live plants and filled with my big tank's water. Should I move them over in a day or two? The pearl is looking quite bloated and I'm thinking she may have more eggs soon. Should I move her instead then take her out after the next set of fry?
I didn't know a pearl and a blue gourami would interbreed!
Both parents are required to lay/fertilize eggs and the male will need to build a bubble nest first. If you are about when they lay their eggs it is well worth watching.

The male will guard the nest for a couple of days after the eggs are layed, if you wish to save sone of these fry I suggest you remove them and put them into a tank on their own. Next time they lay more eggs you can move them also a couple of days after they are layed.

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