I Have Eggs!...finally


Fish Herder
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Fife, Scotland
Finally after many attempts i have a nest full of eggs :hyper:
i'm breeding a Purple CrownTail Female with a Red VeilTail Male.
and now my male is tending to eggs and the female is now in a separate tank.
Heres a pic of the male tending to the nest:

oh yeah thanks to Modaz, Netty and Bronzecat :good:
Congrats on your eggs and look foward to seeing how they grow :good:
You'll need to keep the lights on 24hrs a day until the fry are free swimming and you've taken Dad out. He'll need to be able to see any eggs or fry that fall from the nest, so he can pick them up and pop them back in. Once Dad is out then just have the lights on as normal but turn off at night, so they can get their rest.
The eggs should start hatching between 36 - 48hrs. They will just have their tails hanging down from the nest. Then after another couple of days they should start swimming around the nest in a horizontal position. Once the majority are doing this then you can take Dad out.
thanks ,
what happens to the eggs if they fall on the tank floor and are not picked up by the male?
They may still hatch but could also mean that the egg is no good. How are they looking at the moment? Is the nest holding them well?
they are milky white,
the nest seems to be fairly strong ,
though the male seems to blow bubbles and nock the eggs away,
but then he goes and retrieves them.
That sounds quite normal :good: I would suggest getting a good magnifying glass too. It just allows you to see the babies in much more detail......or it could just be me not being able to see anything smaller than a cat :lol:
That's ideal then cos you'll be glued to that tank for ages now :lol: By the time they are about a week old you should be able to see the caudal develop. They will grow in no time so make sure you take pics of all the stages they go through :good:

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