I Have Crabs!


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Just got myself some additions to my tank :D The start of my CUC, 3 Paguristes cadenati (reg leg hermits) and 3 turbo snails.

Have them acclimatising atm, how fast should I have the drip going? I just realised after putting the clamp on I wasn't sure on the speed needed for the dripping! Is 2 hours a good time or too long?

not fair!!!!!!!!!!
about a drop per second i think
2-3 hours is fine
I thought you were getting some this weekend too fishy?

I have it at about a drop a sec atm so thats awesome thank you :D
this weds im getting 1 emerald crab 2 mexican turbo snails and 5 blue leg crabs :lol:
i wanted mine before you! :grr:

also some mini stars
Haha tis no competition :D
I will take them back shall I! haha

I am going to another lfs tomorrow so might get some others if they have my halloweens I want!
Ok Im on my way sir!

Another Q, I don't have spare shells for them yet, should they be ok without other shells until I get order some from ebay. Which ones do I need for these guys?
i thik they will be fine fo[sup]r a fewdays, but i also need to find out what blue legs need[/sup]
Oh also how do I know what size openings I need? I guess by size of my hermits but I don't really even know their size haha! Will they be ok for now with no other shells?

Oh also do I just disguard all the water taken out while aclimatising? The guy said there are no additives in their water and paras are all fine but should I just get rid of it all? Does that mean I need to do a small top up with salt water, there isn't too much taken out atm! Oh and what about the temperature of the water, won't that be different from the tank or are they ok if I just put them in the tank after about 2 hours! Its been an hour so far!

As for shells, I have various hermits in my tank and I just bought a bag of empty shells from my lfs and just let them pick and choose................and they did!

You can even use shells off the beach providing they're empty and you give them a good clean first!
I forgot to ask if they had any shells in there! So was guna nab some from ebay! Beach is a little too far as I don't drive! It would remind me of being a kid as I always used to collect shells from the beach, had a whole collection but my mum threw them away! :angry:

I will propably try and pick them up from their shells, scares me a little :unsure: Gunna move them in a little bit! Will try for some pics!
I've had hermits hang off my fingers by their legs and pincers. The reds are quite gentle but blues/halloweens certainly let you know when their on ya! Lol

It don't hurt tho! It's a bit like a cleaner shrimp scraping it's little pincers on your skin. Their great if you got dead skin or dirty nails! Lol
Well I was just playing around with the tank and was contemplating adding them, when I put my finger near them they retreat into their shell! So when I do move them they should be ok! Im worried about moving them too early so guna leave it 3 hours so at 6 I will move them!

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