I have Cory eggs!


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou

Guess my Corys decided the whole spawning thing was a good idea, 'cause when I woke up this morning and turned on the tank lights, there were a couple dozen eggs stuck to the side of the tank :fun: :hyper: :) A few had been eaten, and the Neons were looking to munch on more, so I blocked 'em off until I could remove the eggs.

I now have the eggs in a separate tank, with the airstone. What else do I need to do for them? They're an orangey color, FYI.

Really, I'm not doing anything special to get my fish to spawn...they're just doing it! :lol:

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Hi lizard :)

Congratulations! You are about to become a granny! :thumbs:

Are these your peppered corys? If so, it's just the first of many spawns you might be getting from them. Here's a link by someone else who discovered eggs in their tank. It will give you some things to think about. Then, please post back with any questions you might have and to let me know what progress they are making. :D

My first word of caution is don't get your hopes up yet. I've had several spawns, one just yesterday but they've all been duds so far and it was a massive disappointment the first time the eggs failed to hatch on me. If after a few days, they are noticably different, then you're in the green and will soon have babies.

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