I Have Bred Bgk


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
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bunbury western australia
hi my name is shane benck i live in bunbury western australia and i just bred black ghost knifes just wanted to share asfar i know not to many people have !



Any pictures of the parents and information on the spawn?

Was there just one fry?
The first picture has the baby knife fish right in the middle of that line. Hard to see, think it's the corner of the tank.

Well done on getting them to breed!!

I'm also curious about the spawning, did you keep the male and female in the tank all the time (heard that 2 arent meant to be kept in a tank together), how many fry etc.
(heard that 2 arent meant to be kept in a tank together),
This is only ever stated by people who have never kept two together.

I keep two together and while they are not super happy with each other's company (though occasionally share the same space) they are far from the hyper aggressive knife hunting machines some make them out to be.

You will need a fairly large tank though, I keep mine in my 150 gallon 6x2x2 tank.

As to this report of BGK fry, I have heard of a couple of breeders in Aus doing so about 2-3 years ago. Strange that there is only one fry at that size though. Would be interesting to hear more on the setup and how it occured et al.

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