i have betta fry


Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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just an update from the other day when i told you me babies had bred lol
just looked this morning and i couldnt believe just how many fry there was theres 1000s

the only bad thing is i dont have any micro worms so they will have to live on bbs :( ive tryed to find micro worms but no where does them.
but im sure they will be okay on bbs right......? :/
Congrats!!!! I know many people start off their fry on BBS right from the get go, so hopefully you'll be ok...be sure though to feed them freshly hatched, not a day or 2 old as the BBS do grow quickly and the smaller the better for you until they are a bit older. I'm not sure if I referred you here or not, but for future reference you may want to order a MW and/or Vinegar eel culture from this place:


They are really pretty inexpensive to get a culture and are easy to take care of and will be alot better for your fry to start off on and also as something different than just BBS all the time (my fry are 3.5 weeks old and still get MW's once a day for variety).

Congrats,clover :)

Microworms are somewhat essential because they live much longer in water than bbs do. They lay on the bottom and they're easily accessible for the fry to graze on in between feedings. I keep microworms constantly in the tank for just that reason. I HAVE heard of bbs only diets for betta fry, it CAN be done so don't get discouraged. In the meantime try and find a microworm culture asap :)
where do u live if your close to me i might be able to swap or sell some of my females with you

"For the first week, I feed my fry infusoria three times a day, and egg yolk once a day. They grow well on egg yolk, and its simple to make - just hard-boil an egg, and then break off a tiny piece of yolk (about the size of a grain of rice) and mash it in some water, then just feed to the fry with an eyedropper. It makes a suspension liquid of tiny particles of yolk that even the smallest fry can eat."

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