I Have Been Bitten....

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire
by the betta bug..


I have kept a tropical community tank for a while and have a 5g tank, which was supppose to be for platy fry. However my platies are not on the same schedule as me and for some reason only ever want to give birth in the larger tank.

So I thought to myself what could I put in this tank and the idea of a betta came to mind. I have read just about all the topics in here and set my tank up, with a filter and a heater. Then on sunday off I went to my local lfs (who I have to say are wonderful). My intention was to buy a male but then they said they had females if I wanted to take a look.

I was so amazed at how much smaller than the males they were and how different they looked. I have only ever seen males and to be honest all the arcticles I have read seem geared to males mainly. Of course then I couldn't decide what to do. 1 male or several females. My lfs said that they didn't get females very often and that the ones they had came from the same breeder and have always been kept together, so in there opinion keeping more than 1 in the same tank would be ok.

So I bought 3, 1 red, 1 irridescent blue/purple and 1 irredscent green. They are absolutley adorable. I spent all day yesterday acclimatising them to the new tank and I haven't seen any fighting, although I am aware there might be. They are eating happily and playing and I love them.

I think I may have to buy more but for a while I am going to enjoy my little girls....now what to call them.....
They sound lovely, pics please :D

Females aren't necessarily smaller, they are probably just younger than the males you've usually seen as mostly they are around 6-12 months old when they are sold.

Just keep an eye out for any agression but fingers crossed you will be ok but 5g is a little small for 3 females if you go by the inch per gallon rule for when they are full grown size which should be around 2-2.5 inches each.
Rebecca - they sound wonderful. We have our first betta too - a male crown tail called Rex Cogidubnus - (with an ADF called Barry). He is such a character - watches us - I swear! and sees off mirror generated enemies and is then sooo chuffed with himself! Goes around the tank saying "who's da man? I'm da man!!"

Hope you have a great litle family of girls there - just got given Pride and Prejudice on dvd for Mother's day - what about names of sisters from that? feisty=Lizzy, calm and gentle - wouldn't say boo to a goose= Jane, flirty= Liddy, etc

Anyway - just wanted to know which your lfs is, as I am in Hampshire too......

Thanks joby, yes I will watch out for aggression but so far so good. As for the tank size, well as I said, I was going to get just 1 male so a 5g would have been ok. However when I saw them I couldn't resist and just had to have some. I did worry about the size of the tank but I know I will want a male soon, so I will probably buy a 10g for the girls and keep the 5g for a male. My lfs said that they would be ok for the time being.

Just got to persuade hubby we need more fish (I have already told him I want a 55g tank for some rainbow and gouramis and a larger tank still for some cichlids). He thinks there ok but can't see what the fuss is about.

Somethingfishie, I go to maidenhead aquatics in wimborne. They have the most amazing set ups and the fish all look really healthy. The staff couldn't be more helpful and offer advice without being pushy or patronizing.

I will certainly try to post pics but at the mo I am sorting their tank with plants and giving them time to find their feet.
aha! I pop in to the Maidenhead Aquatics in Eastleigh/Fairoak from time to time. Very wide range of tanks and as long as it's not the weekend (!!) loads of good advice. too busy on the weekend!

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