I Have Babies!


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone!!!!!

Noticed my Male and Female Krib acting a lil weird today,
The male was zooming around tank and female was hidding in a cave.

Has a peek in cave with my LED torch(didn't move cave looked through glass)
and at bottom of the coconut cave there was around 10-15 lil wrigglers all at ther bottom of cave!

How long is it before the Krib babies will leave the cave?
At the moment they don't move much just kinda wriggle abit.

Congrats :flowers:

They must be good little parents! Usually the first batch or two get eaten as a quick snack.

They will wriggle for a while, then as they get stronger they will want to start eating. (Try shooting some baby brine shrimp down into the cave for them - Turkey baster or pipette usually work well)

When mum and dad get confident with their babies they will lead them outside. Try to keep the area outside the tank nice and calm (i.e. no dogs barking!) and you may see them out for a walk.
Will do :D
I did see some Eggs about a week ago maybe longer, But I thought the dad had eaten them all.
I wonder if they are natural parents 0.0
Trying to get some pics but kinda tricky with the cave been kinda at back of tank, Gonna snag my Bf's SLR cam to see if I can take some with that

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