I Have A Tank!


New Member
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Derby, UK
i've been given a tank, i've always wanted one! i could research how to start, but first i thought i'd ask to see if anyone would like to help get me started.

basically, a large tank, under gravel filter, heater, etc, where do i start with a tropical freshwater aquarium?

i'm basically thinking place some gravel, rocks, etc, add some water, let in run for a week then add fish.

so, at which point to i add all these fancy potions to the water and which potions to i need ( a zyme coat, water treatment etc).

any specific gravel size i need for under gravel filtering?

should i get some plants from the very beginning, i.e as soon as a add water, or should i leave plants untill i start adding fish?

first fish? i'm thinking taking it v.slowly perhaps buying a v.small number of tiger barbs first (good idea?- are there any hardier small fish i should attempt first?)

cheers fishfans!
i turned my tank with guppys and they did a pretty good job. I would reccomend guppys to turn your tank. Some people dont agree with me on this one though.
Never used undergravel filter so have no idea where your bacteria hang out. I would highly recommend fishless cycling thou.

Main advantages:

1. Doesn't have any fish suffering.
2. Its cheaper, you only need to buy some ammonia solution.
3. It's much quicker. 3 - 5 weeks and you can fully stock once it's fisnished.

Read this post and follow the add & wait method:


All you need to get is your gravel, a master water test kit (aquarium pharmaseuticals is best IMO), a medecine dropper (found in most fish meds) & you ammonia solution (homebase Household cleaning procuts setcion in UK)

Good luck

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