I Have A Skimmer!


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Soooo for those of you who are interested... I finally have my skimmer running, I have pulled the sump tank out and rested it on something with the skimmer out the side. Now the sump set up is far from ideal but I figure as long as I have the skimmer it should be ok, I have a pond basket to house the chaeto when I get it!

I don't know if it is working properly though, there is a white foam there but it isn't rising into the cup yet, does it take a little while? Also should it not be a dirty colour rather than white?
Okies! Will leave it running for now! It makes stupid splashing noises that my OH will not be happy with when he gets home! haha! How do I know if the setting is right?
Okies! Will leave it running for now! It makes stupid splashing noises that my OH will not be happy with when he gets home! haha! How do I know if the setting is right?

If it collects froth/bubbles in the cup. If it dosent then it needs adjusting [more flow]. If it does and it's leeching back into the system then the flow needs reducing.

Like seffie said, It takes time for them to settle! :good:

It wont collect much tho if there's no detritus in the water!
Ooooo I have yellow water in the cup :sick:

bubbles go up the middle but aren't going into the cup, its just water in the cup, is that right?
Soooo for those of you who are interested... I finally have my skimmer running, I have pulled the sump tank out and rested it on something with the skimmer out the side. Now the sump set up is far from ideal but I figure as long as I have the skimmer it should be ok, I have a pond basket to house the chaeto when I get it!

I don't know if it is working properly though, there is a white foam there but it isn't rising into the cup yet, does it take a little while? Also should it not be a dirty colour rather than white?
did the diy queen finally do some diy??? or chicken out and got another one........ i'm guessing the latter lol
No neither :D

I pulled the end off the cabinet put something the same height as the shelf in the cabinet next to it, slid the sump out and rested it on the cabinet next to it! Then put the skimmer in :D

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