i have a question on a dying fish


New Member
Aug 18, 2005
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One of my fish is dying i think it has a diese and has lost its balance will it die,or what.
ok ill ask first

what size tank ?
tank mates
have you checked the water parameters

any other symptoms ?

it could be swim bladder

any markings on the fish ie white fluffy stuff or scrapes cuts

the more details you can provide the more help youl get

first about 1 1/2 foor the tank -18 inches
it has 12 tank mates then i moved it to a small tiny tank about11 inches tiny with 2 fish in now he is on his own in there
water parameters sos i dont know what that is

no syptons when swims just goes around

ok first off an 18 inch tank isnt suitable for that amount of fish nor is the smaller tank its still over stocked ,this may be part of your problem ill asume your tank is 18x12x12 which is about 10 gallons this really is only suitable for one fish

if is just swimming round and round it could well be stunted ie the internal organs are so bunched up it causes the said syptoms ,you need to thin down the amount of fish you have in the tanks and buy a test kit ,12 fish in an 18 inch tank will produce a massive amount of waste ,the amonia and nitrate levels will be well above normal
no its way bigger i just measured the tank it around 1 ruler and a half so around 45CM

is it to much

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