I have a question for all you livebearer lovers


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State

I am serious, I really want to know what in the heck do you guys do with them all. I would go nuts with 100 bowls around with a zillion babies all over!

What do you guys do?? :S :alien:

:dunno: :huh: :D
What do i do? Love each and every one of them :wub: . I'm sure its easy to say "let nature handle it" and let all your fish eat them but have you actually seen of those cute bug eyed babies get eaten by a neon? Now that's pretty depressing to see(saw it when tryin to catch a fry in my community) and something i wouldn't put a fry through again. I think every baby is precious so i try to save them all. Sure a room with over 6 fry bowls(around 1g each), one 5 gallon fry tank and a 10g fry tank take up alot of space but it's fun raising something so small and seeing the colours develope. As for getting rid of them, I've donated over 20 babies to my lfs store(I'm sure i'll be donating more) and i have a quite a few buyers(including my boss who wants to buy 10 :hyper: ) who actually want some and I haven't even advertised them yet. So basically people are on a waiting list till the babies are old enough :p . I'm also moving to a very large city soon so i plan on selling them there as well. But most importantly I'm plan on saving the few bright and exotic ones for myself :p
Trust me you get used to stepping into a room and 150 babies eyes are set on you saying " food?" :lol:
I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do with over 100 Convict Cichlid fry as we speak.

Unfortunately, i've seen a few that wandered off get eaten by some of my other tankmates, but for the most part, i still have a lot of fry that seem to get bigger every day.

seems nobody wants cons because they are so plentiful :-(
:*) Am I the only person who does this? Whenever I see fry at the pet store, I ask to have it and get them.

:D I keep all of my fry! So many of my fry died in the past and I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong until I got serious! Let's see. . . I've got a 2.5 gallon fry tank (it contains a single balloon molly, guppy and swordtail fry) and I found a black molly baby today and put it in the net breeder! I want to try to save them all and hopefully they would be released into my main tanks! ;)
hi silver

I grow on my guppy fry and trade them in at the lfs.....I generally only keep one breeding female and as she grows old she goes into the home for the bewildered (the gupp retirement centre) .....that's a 10 gall well planted tank where the gupps stay till they pass on. A few fry get born in there ...some survive and some get eaten.

I did have a problem with too many fry till I decided that the only way was to just keep one active breeding lady, that way I could cope with the fry.

The female is in planted 5 gall tanks where she drops her fry, the fry stay there for the next 3 to 4 wks then go into the bigger grow out tanks.

I let mine stay in the main tank,and if they survive to juvenile size,I round them up,in the grow out tank they go. When they get a tad bigger,I offer them for sale as a group. If it's a large group,I'll break it up into smaller lots. I offer them for sale on a certain website. If you'd like to know what it is,pm me and I'll be happy to give you the link. :)

PS...study up on how to ship fish if you want to do it like that. ;) (I don't run a business or anything,I just have tons of fry and my lfs won't take them,so I do that. :) )
I know this is really mean...BUT................

could you use them as feeder fish?? :X Seriously!?? It could save some people quite a bit of money.

Just a question :blink:
I don't have fry tanks so am juuuuust curious! :*)

I have loads of sailfin mollie fry in my community tank. I let them take their chances with the others, but I must be feeding them too well, none seem to get eaten. I have thought about puting them in my chichlid tank, but just couldn't do it, so I save them up and when I have about 20-30 decent size ones, I trade them at my lfs for something else.
I have around 70 fry and love them all. I give them away or keep them.
I either trade them to my lfs for store credit, or give them to friends and family. There always seems to be an open door (to a new tank home)

The lfs said she would rather buy them home grown then order them.

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