Well I forgot to say after the putty incident!
I bought a new fish yesterday - a teeny tiny cleaner wrasse to rid dorys white spot, she only has a few but want her clean before she goes to my mum and dads tank!
So anyway.. Everything has survived so far, minus the gramma but he doesn't normally surface until mid day.
Well the cleaner is cleaning away all my fish but Dory!! Cos Dory is getting scared!! Lol.
Just thought I'd share, I'll post a pic soon!
I bought a new fish yesterday - a teeny tiny cleaner wrasse to rid dorys white spot, she only has a few but want her clean before she goes to my mum and dads tank!
So anyway.. Everything has survived so far, minus the gramma but he doesn't normally surface until mid day.
Well the cleaner is cleaning away all my fish but Dory!! Cos Dory is getting scared!! Lol.
Just thought I'd share, I'll post a pic soon!