I have a male qnd female platy (along with 2 others) but the male is larger and wont stop following the female, not aggressively, why?

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Feb 10, 2022
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I am only worried due to his lack of eating after he started following the female. (The female is the blue mickeymouse, and the male is the hybrid looking one)


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They maybe a breeding pair? I dont know, I've never owned them... But if he isnt being aggressive I wpuldnt be too worried.
Male livebearers are always, always seeking to breed! Not unusual at all for a male to be following the only female around, quite the opposite - it would be strange if he didn't!

Platys are relatively social fish too, they do tend to hang around together.

If he's not being aggressive or stressing out the female, then there's no need to worry. Make sure that the female isn't becoming stressed or exhausted from trying to escape his charms. Males can harass females to the point of exhaustion. Can usually get away with having a pair, but if the male is particularly persistent, then having a second female so the first one gets a break at times is recommended.

Oh, and prepare for fry! They'll happen soon I'm sure, and they can churn out a new batch every month. Best to do some research on platies and breeding them now, so you can be prepared for the inevitable. :)
Wait, you're concerned that the male isn't eating? Are you able to get a clear photo of him please? Can barely make out that there are fish in that out of focus, fuzzy one ;) But I know fish photography is hard. Could always put him in a glass container to snap some pics if you really can't get any in the tank.
Males are normally much smaller.

I have 5 platies, one of which is a male. It chases all of the females aggressively with the exception of one which it constantly nudges and stops very close to. The male is going back to the LFS as it's making the other females lives miserable despite the numerous hiding places they have.

Personally I don't think I would ever keep mixed sexl platies or mollies ever again as you have the issue of what to do with the fry. After all they breed like mad and if everyone took the fry to their LFS then they would be overrun. It makes you wonder what most people do with them????
It also make you wonder about the ethics of the LFSs that are knowingly selling these without any advice etc about the fry's future????
Wait, you're concerned that the male isn't eating? Are you able to get a clear photo of him please? Can barely make out that there are fish in that out of focus, fuzzy one ;) But I know fish photography is hard. Could always put him in a glass container to snap some pics if you really can't get any in the tank.
Update! The male platy started eating normally again! No babies yet, but hoping so!

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