I Have A Bit Of A Dilemma Here....


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
Okay, wells, yesterday, I was at some friend's house. I needed to post on here for whatever reason, but I couldn't remember my password!!!! :eek: The reason for this is that I don't have it wiritten down anywheres, and I always have this account logged in at my house, sooes.... :unsure:

I requested that the validation email be sent to reset my password. When none was sent within an hour or two, then I sent it again. Again, it didn't arrive.

However, this morning I log on, and.... There are two validation emails!!!! :hyper: And now, I'm not exactly sure what to *do*; I've forgotten my current password, have two password reset emails, and I'm not quite sure which one to delete (the first or second one?), which one to use, or.... Well, basically, it's very confusing. -.-;

Help?! :eek:
:lol: been there done that, and you only get a few chances at being worng dont you,, pm a mod see if they can help you out,Tolak would be best i reckon as hes admin
good luck
shelagh x

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