I Had Too Many Snails


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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after a good cleanup the other day i realised i had literally hundreds of snails, malaysian trumpet snails, i know they dont do no harm but if you could see how many of them i have you would get rid of them to.

i got 1 of those plastic breeder box and floated it just under the surface with some cucumber and waited around half an hour and i could see snaild climbing up the glass to the box, after about an hour there were around 50-70 snails piled up in the little box, so i emptied the box into a coke bottle ( washed out lol ) and then left the box to fill up, by the next morning they were still in the box, so i again emptied.

i didn't throw away any snails, i mashed them up for my dwarf puffers, they seemed to like it anyway :D

this method works quite well :D
I had a snail problem, introduced 3 Clown Loaches (which I think are great) and have never had a problem since!!

Within a few days, all I hoovered out were shells, no kidding!!

I guess you cannot have clowns tho??
You might want to be alittle careful with giving the MTS to your DPs as the shells are too hard and may break their teeth. Although I am not sure if crushing the shells first eliminates this problem.

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