I guess wouldnt allways be true


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Eastlake, Ohio
I have a 20 gal saltwater tank and its been doing fine i also only have a few clown fish in it though. So not allways would it be very expenise. But also the 20 gal tank i had before hand from a fw tank that i upgraded.
Just means that its not true that it is so hard and will be realy expesive like most are saying.
I think he means that marines arn't always expensive, do you? -_-

ste :)
oops, posted at the same time. yeah, if you know what your doing, then you can do it cheaper but you will be extreemly limited and there are more risks involved. glad to hear you'r having sucsess though :thumbs:

ste :)
Ya thats what i mean its been a long day lol i got the flu so ya lol my brain isnt working very well. The main reason was that it was cheaper is cause it was a old fw tank and i didnt have to get much cause i had most the stuff allready. Also the clown fish are fairly cheap. So if one dies its not like im losing a 200 dollar fish. The thing i was surpised with is i only lost one i thought i would lose alot more. And it is true that there is more risks due to the fact your tank temp or something changes it will change fairly fast.

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