I Guess My Apple Snail Is Pomacea Canaliculata...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I always liked apple snails and have had many over the years, but I guess I was lucky with the types that I bought. I didn't know, until now, that there are some types that absolutely love destroying a planted tank.

I bought Columbus, a little guy with a dark brown shell and lighter body, about 3.5 weeks ago. He has since doubled...maybe even tripled in size, destroyed the bunches of micro-sword plants that I had bought to try and start a carpet and has since been taking big chunks out of anubias leaves (or eating them altogether).

When I feed sinking pellets to my loaches he's almost instantly on top of one and I know he gets a fair bit of food that way... but he goes nuts for my plants anyways. Usually, if a fish just really won't work out then I will try and find another good home for it pretty quickly.. but the problem is that I've gotten quite attached to Columbus.

He's a little monster but one of the most entertaining snails that I have ever seen.He motors from one end of the tank to another over and over again. One day he spent doing laps in the same circle, and another day he decided to get a massage from the filter's spraybar and just kept going back whenever he fell off.

Are there ANY plants that these guys are less likely to eat? Or is there something that grows fast enough and easy enough to make it despite his munching? If I feed him more pellets will he actually be full and leave the plants? I've still got quite a lot of anubias left, and he actually doesn't touch the tall one, but it just doesn't grow fast enough to replace the leaves... and they look quite sad with big bites taken out of them.

Look at his menacing face!


And the damage he is causing:


Fastest growing plant I can think of with a stalk structure and not requiring ferts and high light would be Anacharis.
they will eat absolutely anything green i had loads of these snails a few years back if you weight lettuce down they might go for that before your plants but even the tough plants get eaten eventually. I can spot these snails a mile away now by the shell they have much less of a point than the brigs mine constantly laid eggs too which i used to throw away but i missed a batch and had way too many of these snails at one point.

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